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The male reproductive system

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1 The male reproductive system
A day at the Water Park The male reproductive system


3 Testes Parking lot- everyone pulls in and parks their car- sperm develop here

4 Scrotum Air conditioning in the car
Scrotum- keeps the testes cool for sperm production

5 Epididymis Kiddie pool- where you learn to swim; sperm gain mobility here and mature Sperm travels here from testes

6 Vas Deferens Kids have matured and have moved to the Big Slide
Vas Deferens- the tube that carries sperm from the epididymis

7 Seminal Vesicles Noontime- time for lunch!
Seminal Vesicles is where sperm pick up sugary substance needed to make semen

8 Cowper’s Gland Before heading back into the pool, your mom will apply sunscreen. Sperm get alkaline substance to protect them from the acidity of the vagina.

9 Prostate Gland Now that you are an amazing swimmer, you want to race so you may oil up to move faster through the water. Sperm pick up lubricating fluid from the prostate gland for the semen.

10 Urethra Time to leave the water park
Sperm and urine exit the body through the urethra, through the penis

11 Male Reproductive Problems
Get frequent check ups STD’s, undescended testicle, testicular cancer, UTI, Jock itch

12 Caring for the Male body
Bathe everyday Wear protective gear See a doctor regularly Abstain from sex before marriage- prevent STD’s

13 Female Reproductive System

14 Structure Uterus- muscular organ; holds the fetus during pregnancy
Ovum/egg- women’s sex cell Ovum stored in ovaries Ova travel to uterus through fallopian tubes

15 Structure Lower part of uterus is cervix- where vagina meets uterus
Vagina- connects uterus to the outside of the body

16 Ovulation At puberty-ovaries releases ova each month
Ovum- fallopian tubes-uterus

17 Menstruation Linking of uterus (endometrium)- thickens each month
If ovum is fertilized by sperm-ovum attaches to wall of uterus and pregnancy begins If not fertilized, lining will shed- menstruation (a girls period) Menstrual cycle- 28 days can be longer or shorter, heavier or lighter

18 Common Reproductive Problems
Irregular Periods UTI, TSS, Types of cancers, STD’s

19 Caring for Female Body Bathe everyday See doctor regularly
Abstain from sex before marriage Maintain good hygiene during menstrual periods Deodorant

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