Review: 6.4e Mini-Quiz 1. Factor 5x2 – Factor x4 – 25x2

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Presentation on theme: "Review: 6.4e Mini-Quiz 1. Factor 5x2 – Factor x4 – 25x2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review: 6.4e Mini-Quiz 1. Factor 5x2 – 125 2. Factor x4 – 25x2
3. Factor x2 – 4xy + 4y2 4. Factor x2 – 2x + 1 5. Factor 9x2 + 10x + 1

2 Objective: The students will discover and demonstrate how to factor completely.

3 Lesson 6-4f Factoring Completely (continued)
Chapter 6 Lesson 6-4f Factoring Completely (continued)


5 = 6[(x3 + 5x2) – (4x + 20)] = 6[x2(x + 5) – 4(x + 5)] Factor Answer:
Example 5-4a

6 Factor Answer: Example 5-4b

7 Examples on Smart Board using the special forms 360/100, 106, 112 & 116

8 Homework 360/ odd

9 Lesson Summary: Objective: The students will discover and demonstrate how to factor completely.

10 Preview of the next Lesson: Objective: The student will practice solving problems which involve factoring polynomials with special forms based on concepts discussed in the previous lessons.

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