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The Mystery of The Lost Colony of Roanoke

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1 The Mystery of The Lost Colony of Roanoke

2 In 1587, more than100 English people had begun new lives on Roanoke Island off the coast of present-day North Carolina.

3 John White, their leader, returned to England for provisions but couldn’t return immediately because of war between England and France.

4 When he did return nearly three years later, they were all gone!!!

5 Only a few clues pertaining to the disappearance were found.

6 One clue was the message “CROATOAN” carved into a tree or post.

7 Another clue was a small cannon.

8 The final clue was a small, empty chest.

9 Several theories were created as to what actually happened to the original settlers.

10 Theory #1 The people left in search of food.
Rationale Food was scarce during certain times of the year.

11 Theory #2 The people were killed by the local natives.
Rationale There had been tensions between the settlers and the natives. The message CROATOAN

12 Theory #3 The people went to live with the natives.
Rationale The settlers were desperate. The natives were sometimes called the Croatoan The area where the natives lived was referred to as Croatoan.

13 Theory #4 The people were killed by disease.
Rationale Numerous diseases were common during the time period.

14 Theory #5 The people were killed by a hurricane.
Rationale Roanoke is located in an area that is vulnerable to storms. No walls of the settlement were left standing.

15 Now the question is, what do you believe happened to the colonists?

16 Choose the theory that you feel is the most likely to be true.
Theory #1- The settlers left in search of food. Theory #2- The settlers were killed by the natives. Theory #3- The settlers went to live with the natives. Theory #4- The settlers died of disease. Theory #5- The settlers were killed by a hurricane.

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