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Warren Mott High School Student Anti-Bullying Pledge

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1 Warren Mott High School Student Anti-Bullying Pledge
I, ____________________ agree to help stop bullying at my school. Bullying is defined as intentionally aggressive behavior that can take many forms (verbal, physical, social/relational/emotional, or cyber bullying— or any combination of these). This behavior is often repeated over a period of time. Bullying can consist of one student bullying another, a group of students ganging up against one lone student, or one group of students targeting another group. Common behaviors attributed to bullying include put-downs, name calling, rumors, gossip, verbal threats, menacing, harassment, intimidation, social isolation or exclusion, and physical assaults. No student deserves to be bullied and every student regardless of race, color, religion, nationality, size, gender, popularity, athletic, academic, or social ability, or intelligence has the right to feel safe, secure, and respected. I agree to be Marauder Strong by: 1. Demonstrating Leadership qualities by not participating in bullying activities. 2. Showing respect to all my peers regardless of their race, religion, or popularity. 3. Not engaging in verbal, physical or cyber bullying. Name _____________________________ Grade ______ signature ______________________________________ date: ______________________

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