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Summary Points from B Breakout

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1 Summary Points from B Breakout
For the Pilot – the substance initiates the search and the search identifies the sentinel product function. NOT use category DRIVEN Other schemes identified – Travis and Arms, 1988 – empirical relationship to Kow. CEMC goes beyond this… Uncertainties associated with phys-chem Src Epi Suite are acknowledge but generally considered to be small compared other uncertainties in the model.

2 Summary Points from B Breakout
Local hot spots versus average region concentration seen as large issue. Substance Specific Approach AIR, WATER, Food (with food being least effected) Standardized approach scaling local modeling concentration from stack or fugitive air emission versus general regional model estimate. Do a similar treatment for water. Per capita Approach

3 Summary Points from B Breakout
Suggested there could be less detail in the human dietary exposure assessment for the FFComET especially relative to game. Incentives are obvious – more data means less assumptions and low exposure estimate; however, it is extremely difficult to do for a single company in today’s environment. Even generic information on mode of entry could be important and helpful information for the model. Building on this workshop to develop further interaction with industry on “identifying key questions” for model development.

4 Summary Points from B Breakout
Quantities and mode of entry remain significantly uncertain input – further complicated by competitive pressure. Possibilities of using “read across” for DSL substances with similar use and structure. “Testing” , “validation”, “ground-truthing” of FFComET as a possibility. Backcalculating from an Allowable Daily Intake to an environmental emission rate.

5 Summary Points from B Breakout
Question of when preliminary FFComET model and documentation will be available.

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