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Sensitivity of RegCM3 to landuse changes and soot aerosol inputs over southern Africa V. Pont, G. Rualo and H. Chikoore.

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Presentation on theme: "Sensitivity of RegCM3 to landuse changes and soot aerosol inputs over southern Africa V. Pont, G. Rualo and H. Chikoore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sensitivity of RegCM3 to landuse changes and soot aerosol inputs over southern Africa V. Pont, G. Rualo and H. Chikoore

2 Model settings Domain resolution 50 kms Grid (70*70*18) centered in (20S;22.5E) ECMWF meteorological boundaries conditions Lambert conformal projection Temporal resolution 150 s GLCC vegetation Period 02/01/97 to 02/28/97 –Tracer considered: BC emissions (1°*1°) over 1997 –Rainy month in southern Africa

3 Land cover changes : towards semi-desert

4 Part.1: RegCM3 response to Landcover changes to semi-desert Air temperature

5 Cloud cover fraction

6 Total monthly precipitation

7 Part.2: RegCM3 response to Black Carbon forcing and Landcover changes to semi-desert Ground temperature

8 Monthly average precipitation

9 Black Carbon forcing plus semi-desertic landcover Monthly average precipitation


11 Summaries Changes in land cover to semi-desert type simulates general increase in air temperature across the region inducing lower cloud cover fraction decrease in rainfall especially in the Kalahari transition zone Aerosol black carbon forcing Cooling effect on ground temperature Extreme events become more extreme with increase in black carbon aerosols Suggests an anomaly of regional scale circulation Suggests further simulations for impact studies

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