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2 Earth Lights from Space

3 Potential Test Questions
1. What is Environmental Science? 2. How does science compared with other approaches used to understand the world? 3. What is the Scientific Method? 4. What are the world views that influence issues of Environmental Science?

4 Geology Our Environment

5 World Views Utilitarian Economic value (short term) Ecological
Life-supporting value Aesthetic Beauty and enjoyment value Moral Species rights

6 Science Assumes 1. Events follow patterns understood through observation and analysis. 2. Generalizations can be subjected to tests that disprove them. 3. Evidence can disprove existing scientific theories, but science can never provide an absolute proof of the truth of its theories. Because of this, Science is very different from other fields, such as Religion, Art, or even Mathematics.

7 *

8 Theory Vernacular: Theory = hypothesis
In Science: Theory = a strongly supported hypothesis; supported by many experimentally tested hypotheses. Examples: Cell theory of life Germ theory of disease

9 Solving Environmental Problems
Scientific Assessment Refer back to scientific investigation Risk Analysis Evaluate the potential effects of intervention Public Education Explain problem, choices, costs, and potential results Political Action Implement course of action Scientific Follow-Up Evaluate the results of actions taken

10 Lake Washington

11 Ten Suburbs Dumped Sewage Into The Lake.

12 Oscillatoria Was Found Growing In The Lake.

13 Sewage Appeared To Cause The Lake
To Become Eutrophic.

14 Lake Washington Models predicting water quality were made.
Risk analysis of possible responses discussed. Public given information on sewage dumping. Proposed bill voted down. Revised bill passed by voters.

15 Results The predictions concerning decreasing the phosphorus as a way to decrease eutrophication were correct.

16 Water Visibility Was Even Greater Than The Model Predicted
Water Visibility Was Even Greater Than The Model Predicted. Daphnia Had An Unpredicted Effect.


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