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Major Project Presentation by Micah Abbey.

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Presentation on theme: "Major Project Presentation by Micah Abbey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Major Project Presentation by Micah Abbey

2 What is my major project about?

3 The Answer is a podcast I will be creating a four part podcast series based on current events in pop culture. I will be interview members of the public and have them share their opinions and views.

4 The podcast is somewhat inspired
by Buzz feed

5 But who’s the key audience?

6 The target audience for this podcast ranges between the ages of 19 to 29.
This reasoning behind this decision is because I chose Twitter as the platform to promote the podcast. The most popular age range of twitter users are between the ages of 18 to 19 which is around 95 million. Younger users depend on twitter for news. The plan is to create a new twitter account solely to promote the podcast. Before I could even begin the creative process I looked at twitter analytics to identity an audience and research what there likes, hobbies and interest were. Podcasts are a medium that teens/younger students can identify with and be motivated to use.

7 I almost didn’t go through
Making a podcast isn’t easy, I almost didn’t go through with it

8 There are many advantages and disadvantages to creating a podcast
There are many advantages and disadvantages to creating a podcast. I did hesitate to do a podcast because it's a passive medium and can only be effective for short topics. Some people are visual learners, they learn primarily by seeing someone do something or doing it themselves. From a tech perspective audio files take up a lot of space on a computer's hard drive. There is a lack of feedback from the podcaster (myself) to a listener. The listener is unable to ask questions or clarify information being presented during the podcast. There is also the issue that there is a loss in verbal cues such as body language that gets lost because it's audio based.

9 The verbal cues make huge difference
This means any message I try to get a cross to a listener might get affected because of lack of non verbal signs. However as you can see I'm still doing a podcast so it's clear that that the advantages/pro's outweighed any of the disadvantages/con's.

10 But I felt it was important to take a risk, it could backfire
but it’s good to get out of your comfort zone.

11 The reason why I decided to do a podcast for my major project is because it's a great way to provide content to an audience on the go for people who need information on the fly i.e. people who spend a lot of time in their cars, on trains travelling or commuting to and from work. Podcast have create portability i.e. easy to load on an iPod or a device similar. People can listen to a podcast at their own pace and can start and stop whenever they want and can replay key parts when necessary.

12 What are the other benefits?

13 Audio is great for many reasons
Audio only podcasts are great for listeners with dyslexia the opportunity to listen to material without the challenges of reading words on a page. Also hearing a voice and providing a listener a eye break is a huge benefit to help take in information without having to read words.

14 Editorial decisions for
the podcast

15 It's important that the podcast not run over time, because I'm very aware of people having a short attention span. It's recommend 35 minutes as an average time for a podcast because it's short enough that people can listen to it during their commute. However I decided not to have a podcast at that length and instead have the podcast be between eight to twelve minutes long because it keeps everything short, snappy and straight to the point.

16 Design decisions for the podcast




20 I will be using Shorthand social for the podcast, because it’s mobile friendly and since the audience will be on the go, they will likely use there phones when travelling to listen to the podcast. Shorthand social is simple to use and upload content. Sometimes less is more. Sound cloud will be the platform I use for the podcast since it’s user friendly and sound cloud makes it easy to tell stories, upload and share them with an audience. Sound cloud has create embed players, that can be used anywhere on the web. Audio from sound cloud can be shared on twitter in a seamlessly. It’s also free to upload to sound cloud, so why not?

21 The podcast does have a name
and there is meaning behind it

22 Pop Culture Buzz Is this the best title for a podcast ever, maybe not but there is a reason why it was chosen as the title for the podcast. Firstly, it’s pretty straight forward and hits the nail over the head. The podcast is about pop culture events so included it in the title made sense. Secondly, City of Culture 2017 is all be in Hull talk about although I feel like it’s only Hull who do talk about it. But since the podcast will be launch in 2017, it feels fitting from my POV to include “Culture” somewhere in the title. Thirdly, I was inspired by Buzz feed, I genuinely love their YouTube videos and their articles. So I want to include “Buzz” plus Buzz can also mean the latest buzz in the media.

23 End of Presentation

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