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Teacher Training Conference

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1 Teacher Training Conference
July 2016

Daniela Clarke

3 What makes a good speaker?
Key questions Key questions Martina How can I help? What makes a good speaker?

4 Areas for improvement Martina How can I help? Unclear focus of activity - accuracy or fluency - students just speak No teacher aims No help with ‘ideas‘

5 Areas for improvement Areas for improvement Martina How can I help? Ineffective error correction Students not pushed enough to use new language in speaking activities Underchallenged students: no task given to ‘listeners‘

6 SPEAKING: Accuracy Accuracy Martina How can I help? Learner focus on: correct use of language Teacher focus on: correction

7 SPEAKING: Accuracy SPEAKING: Fluency Fluency Martina How can I help? Learner focus on: communication message rather than language Teacher focus on: no correction delayed correction

8 ERROR correction

9 How can I help? When to correct? When to correct SPEAKING: Accuracy
Martina How can I help? When to correct When to correct AIM: Accuracy or fluency? Language or communication?

10 Teaching FLUENCY

11 Promoting fluency SPEAKING: Accuracy Promoting fluency Martina
How can I help? Work in pairs. Watch the mime. A: Tell the first part of the story ... B: Tell the next part of the story ...

12 Pushing students to USE NEW LANGUAGE

13 Look at the photo. What speculations do the reporters make about the event?

14 Why do you think the man did this?
What happened in the end?



17 Tasks for LISTENERS



20 SPEAKING: Accuracy Use your mobile ... Martina How can I help? Mobile phones Find a photo: of someone you love that you wish wasn‘t taken important to you

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