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Corresponding to Works Cited

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1 Corresponding to Works Cited
In Text Citations Corresponding to Works Cited

2 Works Cited and In-Text Citations must match.

3 Make sure the in-text citation appears exactly as it does in your Works Cited
Example in essay: Many times, zygotes are “frozen to preserve the possibility of fertilization and implantation at a later date.” (Marcotty and Yee) This directly corresponds with the source Marcotty and Yee. Your reader should be able to easily locate your source on the Works Cited page

4 Abbreviate long article or book titles
If the quote is from an article with a long title, abbreviate the title and use an ellipses when citing in your paper. “In many states, the process of adopting a child is a fairly quick process. However, in some states, that same process can take years, not months.” (“Developments in the Law…”)

5 Readers are like mice, they like cheese at the end.
In MLA format, always put your citation information at the end of your sentence when citing shorter quotes. During the adoption process, “families undergo interviews with state and local child protection services, mental health providers and legal representatives which are often quite costly.” (Coontz 147). Your sentence is not completed in this case until there is proper punctuation after your citation.

6 Using longer quotes from your sources in your paper
If you would like to quote a section of text from a source that is longer than 4 lines, you must create a block quote by indenting the entire quote 10 spaces (one inch) and using a colon : before starting the quote. The cost of infertility treatments has risen exponentially in the past few years, especially when those treatments are: …on infertile women who are over the age of 40, due to the cost of obtaining viable zygotes from a donor, especially if the recipient has had 3 or more failed pregnancies in the last 5 years. (Hymowitz) Notice the absence of quotation marks (“ “) and the shape of the quote are in a rectangle. Also there is no punctuation after the citation.

7 Any questions? The main things to remember are:
that how you give credit to your source in your paper should exactly match the way that source appears in your Works Cited. You should abbreviate sources that have long names by using the first 3-4 words in the titles when citing in your paper Quotations that are longer than 4 lines as they appear in their orginal documents must be formatted as a block quote. Precede with a colon Indent 10 spaces from both margins Use no quotation marks and end with source info (source) with no end punctuation Your sentence using a short quote is not complete until the proper punctuation is placed behind the parenthesis ( ).

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