Box and Whisker Plots A.K.A Box Plots.

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Presentation on theme: "Box and Whisker Plots A.K.A Box Plots."— Presentation transcript:

1 Box and Whisker Plots A.K.A Box Plots

2 What makes up a box plot? #4 Lower/First Quartile #5 Upper/Third
#2 Lower Extreme #1 Median #3 Upper Extreme ABOVE BELOW The box plot is placed either _________ or __________ a number line NOT ______ on the number line

3 middle in order middle lower middle upper
#1: Median middle in order The ___________ value when the data is ______________ #2: Lower/First Quartile middle lower The ___________ value of the _________ half of the data #3: Upper/Third Quartile middle upper The ___________ value of the _________ half of the data

4 lowest highest difference upper lower
#4: Lower Extreme lowest The ___________ value #5: Upper Extreme highest The ____________ value #6: Interquartile Range difference upper The _________________ between the _________ and ___________ quartiles. lower

5 Example #1

6 24, 20, 18, 25, 22, 32, 30, 29, 35, 30, 28, 24, 38 1st - put the data in order 4th - find the UQ 2nd - find the median 5th - find the Lower Extreme 3rd - find the LQ 6th - find the Upper Extreme 18 20 22 24 24 25 28 29 30 30 32 35 38 23 31 18 38 Lower _____ Extreme Upper _____ Extreme 23 31 Lower _____ Quartile Upper _____ Quartile 28 Median _____

7 18 38 23 31 28 Interquartile Range: - 31 23 = 8 Lower _____ Extreme
Upper _____ Extreme 23 31 Lower _____ Quartile Upper _____ Quartile 28 Median _____ 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 Interquartile Range: upper quartile lower quartile - 31 23 = 8

8 Let’s look at our data set
18 20 22 24 24 25 28 29 30 30 32 35 38 LQ Median UQ 25% - a quarter What percent of the data falls between the Lower Extreme and the Lower Quartile? 25% - a quarter What percent of the data falls between the Lower Quartile and the Median? 25% - a quarter What percent of the data falls between the Median and the Upper Quartile? 25% - a quarter What percent of the data falls between The Upper Quartile and the Upper Extreme?

9 Example #2

10 32, 12, 38, 42, 54, 26, 18, 30, 50, 44 1st - put the data in order 4th - find the UQ 2nd - find the median 5th - find the Lower Extreme 3rd - find the LQ 6th - find the Upper Extreme 35 12 18 26 30 32 38 42 44 50 54 26 44 12 54 Lower _____ Extreme Upper _____ Extreme 26 44 Lower _____ Quartile Upper _____ Quartile 35 Median _____

11 12 54 26 44 35 Interquartile Range: - 44 26 = 18 Lower _____ Extreme
Upper _____ Extreme 26 44 Lower _____ Quartile Upper _____ Quartile 35 Median _____ 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 Interquartile Range: upper quartile lower quartile - 44 26 = 18

12 Finding Information From a Box Plot

13 5 7 7 - 3 = 4 8 - 2 = 6 Cannot be determined Cannot be determined
1. What is the median? _______ 7 2. What is the upper quartile? _______ Cannot be determined 3. How many people were surveyed? _______ 7 - 3 = 4 4. What is the IQR? ________ 8 - 2 = 6 5. What is the range of the data? ______ Cannot be determined 6. What is the mean? _________

14 12 1. What is the lower quartile? _______ 21 2. What is the upper quartile? _______ = 14 3. What is the range of the data? _______ = 9 4. What is the IQR? ________ 25% 5. What percent of the data falls between 8 and 12? ______ 50% 6. What percent of the data is more than 15? _________

15 Use the data in the table to create a box plot.

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