Secondary socialisation

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1 Secondary socialisation
Date: Wednesday, 17 April 2019 Key Question: What are the functions of education and does this fit with political debates in this area? Starter: We commonly refer to 5 functions of education. Can you guess them from these pictures? Hint: they all start with S! Social cohesion Secondary socialisation Serving the needs of the economy Social mobility Social control

2 Secondary socialisation
Schools play a role in teaching the values and norms of society to each new generation. It is a continuation of primary socialisation that starts in the family. The norms and values taught in school are reflected in all subsequent organisations people join. Secondary socialisation Social control Schools act as an agent of social control by teaching acceptance of rules and authority, for example, obeying the teacher. Schools teach the skills and knowledge necessary for work in a modern, technical, industrial society, for example, literacy, numeracy and ICT. Schools need to transmit the skills and knowledge that are required by the economy. There is a close connection between the structure and success of the economy and the skills and knowledge that people acquire in the education system. Serving the needs of the economy Schools provide the opportunity to achieve recognised qualifications, enabling students to achieve higher positions in society. The kind of work people do (and their place in society generally) is influenced by what education and qualifications they get. Social mobility The norms and values taught in school reflect the norms and values of the culture and give people an identity, for example, ‘Britishness.’ Shared norms and values bring people together as one society. Social cohesion

3 Silent debate Round 1: Around the room you will find several statements. Write your own response to the question. Round 2: Now go and read the responses of other people. Do you agree/disagree? Comment on what they have written. Round 3: Back to your seats. Let’s add some more information!

4 Skim/ Scan / Summarise Skim through all the subheadings and topic sentences (first sentences of each paragraph). Scan through and underline any key terms, key concepts, statistics, studies etc. Scan through each box again and summarise the contents with your partner. Now let’s return to our silent debate.

5 Silent debate Round 1: Around the room you will find several statements. Write your own response to the question. Round 2: Now go and read the responses of other people. Do you agree/disagree? Comment on what they have written. Round 3: Back to your seats. Let’s add some more information! Round 4: Now that you have some more information, go around and make further comments/responses. Round 5: You have a small number of stickers. Go around one final time and stick a sticker on the comments that you most agree with.

6 Are league tables beneficial or detrimental for schools?
Thinking points… Are league tables beneficial or detrimental for schools? Does streaming help students to progress? What is the most important function of schools and do you think we have achieved this?

7 Team Challenge! Round 1 – Whiteboard round!
You will be asked a series of short questions. You have 30 seconds to write the correct answer on your whiteboard. You will get 1 point for every person in your team holding up the correct answer





12 Team Challenge! Round 2 – Definitions round!
First team to buzz in can attempt the definition. Don’t forget we are looking for a 4 mark answer. You will be marked using the mark scheme.

13 Team Challenge! Round 3 – Analysis round!
You will be given a 5 mark question. Work together to write a model answer.

14 Team Challenge! Round 3 – Evaluation round!
You will all be given a 12 mark question. Every member of the team must write one paragraph each on a separate card. Intro & Conclusion Paragraph 1 (Agreeing with the statement) Paragraph 2 (Disagreeing with the statement) Paragraph 3 (Offering an alternative explanation)

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