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Opener Get out a piece of paper and answer the following questions

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Presentation on theme: "Opener Get out a piece of paper and answer the following questions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opener Get out a piece of paper and answer the following questions
What is a goal? What are ways to make sure you will achieve your goal? What characteristics must someone have to be able to achieve a goal?

2 Making a Goal Goals must be SMART!

3 Making a Goal Specific—Not vague; about something particular
Goals that can answer the 5 “W” Questions + 1 “H”

4 Making a Goal Measurable—You have to be able to quantify it
If you cannot measure it, you don’t know if you’ve achieved the goal

5 Making a Goal Action-Oriented—you must do something to be successful at the goal

6 Making a Goal Realistic—must be possible given your skill/ability

7 Making a Goal Time-frame—you must have a target date
Otherwise, you’ll procrastinate

8 Making a SMART Goal “I will run more.”
What is one way I can make this goal better? Can you make this into a SMART Goal for me?

9 Making a SMART Goal Each week for one month I will run seven miles
Specific—about running Measurable—7 miles each week Action-oriented—will require me to run a bit each day Realistic—I do not have the time/stamina to a ton everyday Time-frame—one month is good because it is not too short or too long

10 SMART Goals and Budgets

11 Personal Finance What does “personal finance” mean?
Why is it important to learn about personal finance?

12 W!SE Testing Before Spring Break

13 What is on the W!SE test? Money Budgeting Cost of Money (Interest)
Banking Credit Insurance Investing Money Management

14 SMART goals and the W!SE Test

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