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The Renaissance Era: The Rebirth of Europe

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1 The Renaissance Era: The Rebirth of Europe
The renaissance was a time of reinvention and art. This was the time in which ideas had flourished and contributed to modern day society.

2 The Renaissance This era started after trade became popular in Europe and their wealth had flourished. This was the time in which knowledge had grown in Europe, Greece, and Rome. Florence, Italy was the center of the Renaissance. The Medici Family had started the Renaissance.

3 Leonardo da Vinci He was an apprentice to an artist until the age of 24. He was an artist, mathematician, scientist, and even a military man. Leonardo was able to use his skills in math as an advantage/tool i his paintings; he was a master at painting lights, dimensions, and triangles, which added to the over all effect of the piece. Two of his most famous paintings were “Last Supper”, which resembled Christ’s last meals with his followers before getting crucified, and “Mona Lisa”, which was so special because of all the un-replicative components, such as the asymmetrical background, non-matching eyes, and Mona Lisa’s “smile”. He made the first model parachute.

4 Michelangelo He was a sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer. His first sculpture was Pieta, which showed mother Mary holding her dying son Jesus. Many people thought that Mary had looked too young in the sculpture to be a mother, but Michelangelo replied that her youth like complexion resembled her pure soul. He had worked for 4 years on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel on his back. He was a very gruesome and raw painter.

5 Raphael He was a painter and architect, Born in 1483 in Urbino, Italy
He was known as a very calm and soothing painter, who not at all was “violent in their paintings” like Michelangelo. Many people insulted Raphael for being too sweet in his paintings. Because of what the people were saying, he painted “The Transfiguration”, which was much more gruesome compared to some of his other paintings. “The Transfiguration was the painting that was put on his grave when he passed away at the age of 37.

6 Some Inventions from the Renaissance
Pocket watch, spectacles, printing press, microscope, compass, telescope

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