Applying the ESS EARF in a VIP project: The ESS.VIP Validation example

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Presentation on theme: "Applying the ESS EARF in a VIP project: The ESS.VIP Validation example"— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying the ESS EARF in a VIP project: The ESS.VIP Validation example
Luca GRAMAGLIA Eurostat, Unit B1

2 ESS Vision 2020 "We will develop an ESS reference enterprise architecture to enable a systematic and coherent approach to the production of European statistics."  "We will adopt enterprise architecture as a common reference framework"

3 ESS.VIP Validation example

4 What is Data validation?
ESS Methodological handbook on validation: "Data Validation is an activity verifying whether or not a combination of values is a member of a set of acceptable combinations." It is not: An activity to check or assess process metadata: validation focuses on data Editing or imputation: these are separate activities which may be performed based on the outcomes of validation

5 Focus of ESS.VIP Validation
Member State Eurostat Validation can take place in several points of the ESS statistical production process

6 Current situation

7 Current problems in ESS validation
No clear picture of who in the ESS is doing what as regards validation: Risk of validation gaps Time-consuming validation "ping-pong" Subjective assessment of data quality Lack of standards and of a common architecture for shareable and reusable validation services: Duplication of IT development costs within the ESS Manual work due to low integration between the different tools

8 Step 1: Identify target capabilities

9 Step 2: Find pain points in current state
Capability 2 Capability 1

10 Step 3: Draw to-be situation

11 Step 3: Draw to-be situation
Process step name

12 Step 3: Draw to-be situation Business-Information Link
Process step inputs Process step outputs

13 Step 3: Draw to-be situation Information - Application Link

14 Step 3: Draw to-be situation
Application Layer

15 Step 3: Draw to-be situation Collaboration scenarios

16 Step 4: Down to the logical level Information layer
Determine implementation standards for GSIM objects identified: Data structure: SDMX Validation rules: VTL Etc…

17 Step 4: Down to the logical level Application layer

18 Step 5: Physical level

19 Benefits from the approach
Clear translation of strategic objectives into operational tasks Clear communication across organisations Reference: Business and IT architecture for validation in the ESS

20 Benefits from the approach
Clear translation of strategic objectives into operational tasks Clear communication across organisations Reference: Business and IT architecture for validation in the ESS





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