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Enterprise Architecture Reference Framework Generalities

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1 Enterprise Architecture Reference Framework Generalities

2 12/2013: DIME/ITDG launched TF on EA
Background: History 12/2013: DIME/ITDG launched TF on EA 1/2014: First meeting of the TF involving IT, FR, SI, NL, UK, CH, AT, SE, HU and NO The mandate of the TF was endorsed by DIME & ITDG at their joint plenary meeting in 3/2014 Since 5/2014 the TF is working on the EARF to support the implementation of the just adopted ESS Vision 2020

3 What is EARF A set of abstract artifacts: principles, templates and models describing how to organize statistical capabilities in order to meet business information and technology requirements and satisfy the implementation of Vision 2020

4 EARF Target Audience All ESS members: it is indeed the EARF of the European Statistical System Within each ESS organization: Governance bodies Enterprise architects Business leaders Projects leaders IT leaders

5 EARF Target Audience EARF provides artifacts that can be used by different stakeholders for different purposes Example: We’ll see how EARF artifacts can support (mainly) project leaders during project management lifecycle

6 Motivations for EARF The Vision 2020 explicitly calls for the establishment of an ESS EA as a Reference Framework by stipulating the adoption of a “Common Reference Enterprise Architecture” as one of its key implementation elements and defining EA as "a systematic language to describe the way our business wants to operate and how the various components fit together. It serves to translate our vision into implementation strategies and priorities in a systematic way. It will be based on Principles of standardisation and interoperability, reuse, Business Function-independent standard processes, metadata driven business chains and service-oriented data-based outputs of statistical processes. “

7 Motivations for EARF Need for new statistical services and processes
Need to harness the data revolution introducing new products and metrics Need for an IT environment that will help production respond more quickly and cost-effectively to new statistical business needs Need to ensure that IT developments are sustainable and efficient

8 Benefits of EARF - 1 Cost savings
Reuse and sharing of SOA services and infrastructure Long-term sustainibility of IT systems Adherence to common architecture principles and implementation of standards Breakdown of organizational silos Deployment of commonly agreed solutions (building blocks) across statistical domains and countries

9 Faster and better services Streamlined processes
Benefits of EARF - 2 ESS brand Similar end user interfaces and survey contacts Faster and better services Specialization of commonly agreed solutions Streamlined processes Statistical process steps executed only once in the ESS

10 Leverage greater amounts of data Balancing budgets and finances
Benefits of EARF - 3 Leverage greater amounts of data Through controlled and efficient IT environments Balancing budgets and finances Through ESS members in different periods Quality investements Through creation of shared services

11 EARF Artifacts Principles for the ESS EARF
ESS business capabilities model ESS EA building blocks Statistical Production Reference Architecture (supporting document) Information architecture (under definition) Security Architecture (under definition) Governance of the ESS EARF (to be defined)

12 EARF Artifacts mapped to projects lyfe cycle

13 EARF Artifacts mapped to TOGAF Architectures
Information architecture EARF Governance

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