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2 What is ATP? Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Supplies energy to the cell
One molecule of ATP is composed of three parts: Nitrogenous base (adenosine) Sugar (ribose) Three phosphate groups These three phosphate groups are bonded together by high energy bonds

3 Breaking bonds in ATP Cells break the bonds between the three phosphates to supply energy for most cellular functions When the bond breaks holding the phosphate, ATP is turned into ADP with a phosphate available for reuse

4 Use and Release of energy
When any of the phosphate bonds are broken or formed, energy is involved Energy is released when a phosphate is removed from ATP Energy is used when phosphate is attached to the molecule To constantly supply the cell with energy, the ADP is recycled creating more ATP which carries much more energy than ADP

5 ATP – ADP cycle To supply cells with energy, a “high energy” bond in ATP is broken. ADP is formed and a phosphate is released back into the cytoplasm ATP  ADP + phosphate + energy ADP becomes ATP when a free phosphate attaches to the ADP molecule The energy required to attach the phosphate to ADP is much less than then energy produced when the phosphate bond is broken ADP + phosphate + energy  ATP

6 ATP – ADP cycle

7 ATP – ADP cycle

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