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Presentation on theme: "THE CELL CYCLE."— Presentation transcript:


2 All organisms have a life cycle:
birth growth reproduction death

3 Within all organisms, cells are also “born”, grow, reproduce/divide, and die.
CELL TYPE LIFE SPAN Lining of the intestine 4-5 days Skin cell 2 weeks Red blood cell 4 months Liver cell days Brain cells 100 years Brain cells do not divide… you are born with all your brain cells you will ever have!

4 Cell Cycle - cells are born - cells grow and work - cells divide to make new cells - cells die

5 CANCER: Uncontrolled Cell Growth
a disorder in which body cells lose the ability to control cell growth and cell division. Cancer cells do not respond to signals that regulate their cell cycle; As a result cells divide uncontrollably.

6 Before a cell divides, it must….
The cell copies its DNA . At the end of this stage, the nucleus contains two complete sets of DNA.

7 During DNA replication…..
C G & T A G C

8 Perform DNA replication
on the following DNA strand: T G A T T C G T A G C C A A C T A A G C A T C G G T

9 Perform DNA replication
G A C --- A C T G

10 Perform DNA replication
G A C --- A T --- A C T G --- C G --- --- T A --- --- A T --- --- C --- G --- T A --- G --- --- C --- T --- A

11 Perform DNA replication
G A C --- A C T G

12 Perform DNA replication
G A C --- A T --- A C T G --- C G --- --- T A --- --- A T --- --- C --- G --- T A --- G --- --- C --- T --- A

13 DNA Replication

14 DNA Replication


16 Why do cells undergo mitosis?
To make new cells… To replace old or dead cells To replace cells destroyed by injury Skin cells

17 for growth and development.

18 to produce a new individual --- asexual reproduction
the production of genetically identically offspring from a single parent…a clone.

19 MITOSIS pmat There are four phases in mitosis: 1. prophase
2. metaphase 3. anaphase 4. telophase pmat

20 Before mitosis, DNA must be… duplicated
cell DNA Replication cell

21 Prophase The duplicated chromosomes condense. cell

22 Metaphase Chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell.

23 Anaphase Chromosomes are pulled apart and
move to opposite ends of the cell.

24 Telophase The chromosomes gather at opposite poles
of the cell forming two nuclei.

25 Cytokinesis The cytoplasm divides, forming two identical cells.

26 telophase

27 cytokinesis

28 metaphase

29 anaphase

30 interphase

31 prophase


33 Why do cells undergo meiosis?
To make egg and sperm for sexual reproduction gametes Eggs are made in the ________ ovaries Sperm are made in the _______ testes

34 Body Cells vs Gametes 46 chromosomes 23 chromosomes Homologous pairs
Mom & Dad pairs Homologous pairs Unpaired chromosomes Diploid cell Haploid cell

35 A Body cell A diploid cell Homologous pairs

36 A sex cell A Gamete --- _________ A haploid cell Half the chromosomes

37 MEIOSIS 1 4 2n diploid cell haploid cell (gametes) n n n n 24
chromosomes 12 chromosomes

38 Interphase Meiosis I Meiosis II DNA Replication
Homologous chromosomes separate DNA/Chromosomes duplicate Sister chromatids separate

39 MEIOSIS There are eight phases in meiosis: 1. prophase I
2. metaphase I 3. anaphase I 4. telophase I Meiosis I 5. prophase II 6. metaphase II 7. anaphase II 8. telophase II Meiosis II

40 1. Prophase I Crossing-over Homologous chromosomes pair up

41 2. Metaphase I middle

42 3. Anaphase I Homologous chromosomes separate middle

43 4. Telophase I cytokinesis

44 5. Prophase II

45 6. Metaphase II middle

46 7. Anaphase II middle

47 8. Telophase II End result: Four haploid cell (n)
Each of the four cells is genetically different from each other and from the parent cell.


49 & Asexual reproduction
MITOSIS vs MEIOSIS Makes body cells & Asexual reproduction Makes gametes (egg & sperm) 24 12 12 24 24 24 12 12 1 cell 2 cell 1 cell 4 cell 24 chromosomes 24 chromosomes 24 chromosomes 12 chromosomes Asexual reproduction produces identical offspring …no genetic diversity Sexual reproduction produces genetical different offspring …large genetic diversity




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