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Thinking about ELT and Vocabulary Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking about ELT and Vocabulary Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking about ELT and Vocabulary Learning
Getting Started Thinking about ELT and Vocabulary Learning

2 What is your opinion? 1. What do you feel is more important, grammar or vocabulary? Why? 2. Do you know what word lists are? Do you know any specific word lists that exist other than ones that a teachers makes? 3. Do you think it is helpful to teach vocabulary in organized categories like colors words, people adjectives, weather words, rooms in a house? Why or why not? 4. Do you think that the teacher should use translation into Korean to teach the meaning of words? Why or why not? 5. Do you think that the more words you know the better ? Why or why not? 6. In your opinion how many new words are appropriate for students to learn in a day?

3 First Task You are teaching a reading class.
You have the following words to teach. salamander, amphibian, poison How would you teach these words? List the steps you would follow in class. Think about: Would you teach the words before or after reading? What steps would you take to foster students understanding of the words? First Task

4 Compare with a partner or group members and discuss what your plan is and why you have chosen that plan. Compare

5 Needs analysis Why are you taking this course?
What do you expect from this course? Are there any additional topics you would like included in this course? Are there any topics that are planned that you would rather not cover? Can you explain why? Needs analysis

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