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Proposer: Transporter /

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1 Proposer: Transporter /
Proposed as an EU Mod? Note: Modification Proposal Template change required to capture Proposer’s view on EU designation and justification Provide rationale for proposal as EU Mod New Modification Proposal raised. Yes Proposer: Transporter / Shipper / Ofgem No Note: EU modification Proposals cannot be subject to the existing Urgent or Self Governance Procedures. Could be considered as related to an SCR and / or a User Pays Modification. Panel Minutes to capture whether or not Panel consider a Mod to be an EU Mod and Panel’s views on the preferred procedure to be followed. Panel minutes capture Panel’s views : 1. EU Mod? 2. Procedure to be followed Mod considered by Panel UNC Panel Draft Continue through normal Modification Rules Notify Parties of EU / Non-EU designation Mod continues through normal or Ofgem–notified Modification Rules Joint Office Note: EU Mod requirements: 1. Authority may designate Modification as EU 2. Authority may set timetable 3. Authority may designate which Modification Procedure steps are to be followed. 4. EU modifications may not be withdrawn without the Authority’s written permission 5. Authority may revise their position at any time up to Mod being sent to them for decision. Should an Ofgem-raised EU Mod be subsequently designated by Ofgem as non-EU, it shall be deemed withdrawn. Confirm EU Mod to Panel. Specify timetable and procedure to be followed Authority designates as EU Mod? Ofgem Yes Reject EU definition & notify Panel. Normal Modification rules continue to apply No

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