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Final Design Authorization

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1 Final Design Authorization
Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Automated Design Change Control System Overview Lee Windham TXU June 17-20, Charleston, SC

2 Why Go Automated Not Just Electronic ?
Direct tie to the corrective action program Work product quality improvement Tribal knowledge standard task assumed by the application Regulatory requirements programmed into the application Review requirements highlighted to the engineer Elimination of Duplicated Work In Engineering In reviewing organizations The Desire to Make a Large Leap Forward

3 The FDA Application IS NOT simply an electronic form
IS NOT a work tracking process IS an integrated design change application Document Management System CADD Text Design Documents Vendor Design Drawings (electronic and non electronic) Work Order System (implementation documents) Employee Training and Qualification records IS a semi-automated process The FDA application has been in place since 1999 as the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES) design control process. The application and supporting process have some unique features that enable Nuclear Engineering Services (NES) to produce high quality design changes in a timely manner.

4 Assignment / Qualification
Required Disciplines are determined from Affected Documents and Components listed on the FDA All Documents at CPSES have been assigned to a discipline All Components at CPSES have been assigned to a discipline Additional disciplines can be manually added by the Responsible Engineer Assignments made by Discipline Design Qualification Each engineer is qualified by the CPSES training program specifically in one or more disciplines Assignments are populated to the work tracking system The FDA application verifies that the appropriate engineering disciplines reviews are obtained by qualified design engineers. The application queries the engineering discipline that owns each of the documents and components that are affected by a design changes. Then the application requires a preparer and reviewer from each of these disciplines sign the FDA. The application verifies from the training records of each engineer that they are qualified in the discipline required.. This feature also enhances quality of the document by ensuring that proper reviews are accomplished by qualified persons.

5 Electronic Form Electronic Form Captures Scope and Justifications
Work Scope Design Inputs Design Details Testing Requirements Engineering Basis Calculation Impact Log 50.59 Review Design Verification

6 Automated Reviews Impact Reviews for Internal and External Organizations are Automatically Determined 55 Established site programs / organizations that could be affected by a design change Screening questions identified by the affected program owner The application queries data entered onto the form and determines the answers to these questions and thus which reviews are required The specialist for each review either completes the review or is notified that another person is completing the review Identified Impacts can be tied to various completion status of the design change The FDA application has an algorithm that assists in the selection of impact reviews by site organizations and programs. There is a series of over 500 questions that determine if 55 design impacts should be obtained for an FDA. The automated evaluation process provides a recommendation to the engineer based on information that has been entered onto the FDA as to which of these reviews should be obtained. This feature has reduced the number of reviews that are missed and increased the quality of the final products.

7 Electronic Document Mark-Ups
The application creates an electronic version of the drawing or text file for the engineer to mark up The file is marked-up in the native application and linked to the FDA New drawings including vendor submittals are entered into the system Non-Electronically stored documents can be converted to electronic format or have a scanned attachment

8 Electronic Signatures
Signature / Review process totally electronic When it is time for individuals to sign they are notified via Once an Individual has signed, their ability to edit the document is restricted, If it is opened in edit mode their signature is removed. When the final approval signature is applied the application updates all the required databases and computer files and restricts all further editing. The application is completely electronic with all signatures obtained electronically and all information available to any user in an electronic format at all times. Access to this information at all times and the ability to perform parallel reviews is a significant time/cost saver when it comes time to issue the documentation.

9 Automated Document Revision
Document revisions processed automatically when Field Work Orders are complete The application verifies that the current document revision is the same as the affected revision if so the next revision is automatically issued (95%) The Document management system is updated electronically The new revision of the document is created from the version file electronically with no human intervention If not the responsible document group is notified (5%) The revision conflict is resolved The electronic issue process is restarted Non-Electronic documents are statused in the appropriate databases The FDA application automatically issues the new revision of drawings at the completion of field work activities. During the design development activities the Sketches (SK) are prepared as full drawing representing the configuration of the drawing after the modification. The work documents that will implement the change are tied to each individual SK so that when the work order closes the new revision of the drawing can be issued. When the work order closes the application automatically issues the new revision of the drawing in the CAD and SPARCs database causing a new drawing revision distribution to be initiated. This feature of the application eliminates the countless drawings revision that had to be issued after an outage under the previous design control program. This drastically reduces the time to get updated documents issued for the Operation and Maintenance departments. Additionally, there is a huge cost savings over having a large group of people updating documents for weeks or months after a modification is completed. Eliminating manual drawing incorporation reduces to possibility of human errors. Over the six years of life of the application design drawings have been issued using this process. This includes all Vital Station Drawings, all Design Basis Documents, most specification and the a significant number of non vital station drawings

10 Automated Database Updates
The Master Equipment List is updated Setpoint design document Pipeline design information Configuration control references for component modifications Work Tracking Data updated The FDA application automatically updates the Master Equipment List at the completion of the field work activities. Similar to the description above for documents the application provides for staged changes to the data in the equipment database. When the work orders associated with the change are completed in the field the application automatically writes that staged information into the active equipment records in the database. Over the six year life of the application tag number records have been automatically updated by the application. This is a significant cost saving to having these updated manually accomplished at the completion of a modification. Additionally there is essentially no time lag from the time the work is complete to having updated information in the database.

11 Access available across a secure connection
Mobility Access available across a secure connection TXU engineers can access the system from their home computers Engineering Firms contracted to do work at CPSES can access the system from their home office to issue change documents in our system. The application can be shared across secured connection with design engineering firms contracted for specific scopes of work. For example Westinghouse and Bechtel companies are producing FDAs directly in the CPSES system for the Steam Generator Replacement project in there offices in Maryland and Pennsylvania. This will reduce duplication of work and has enhanced the review process as the contracted organizations send the reviews within our system including all drawings and text documents. There is a great cost saving in shipping of documents as well as transportation time.

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