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Question of the Day! If there was one rule that everyone had to follow all of the time, what rule would you make?

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Presentation on theme: "Question of the Day! If there was one rule that everyone had to follow all of the time, what rule would you make?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Question of the Day! If there was one rule that everyone had to follow all of the time, what rule would you make?

2 Kant’s Categorical Imperative

3 Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) Biographical Background
Lived entire life in Prussian city of Konigsberg where he was a professor It was said that his life was so regular that his neighbors would set their clocks by his daily walks When he was 57 he wrote a series of books that transformed the shape of philosophy and established him as one of philosophy’s greatest thinkers

4 Deontological Approach (Act-oriented)
Championed by Immanuel Kant Asks if any action is the morally appropriate action for one person to take toward another person Not worried about the short or long term consequences

5 Deontological Approach
You are required to do your duty regardless of what you think about it or its possible consequences Categorical Imperative: An absolute rule that everyone has to obey all the time “I should never do anything unless I can honestly say I believe everyone else should always do the same thing” -Kant (Handout #1 and Scenario #1)

6 Categorical Imperatives
1. Universally willing the maxim of your actions 2. Don’t use people What should everyone do in this situation? Cut in line Steal something Break a promise Murder someone

7 Kant on Intent Kant believed that Good will = moral intent
Virtues are not moral in themselves Is being calm good? Strong? Smart? Clever? Intelligent?

8 Could a criminal be calm, strong, smart, clever, and intelligent and use those traits to do bad things? Kant believes good will is the only absolute good

9 Bottom Line according to Kant:
Tell the Truth Keep Promises Do No Harm

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