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Latin American Independence

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1 Latin American Independence
Honors World History Joanie Garratt

2 Colonial social system
Peninsulares Creoles Mestizos Mulattos Slaves Native Americans Colonial social system

3 Haiti – How the French Revolution influenced other parts of the world
Haiti declared independence 1791 Toussaint L’Overture 1801 independent 1802 Napoleon tried to retake the island Epidemic In 1804 Haiti becomes 1st black colony to free itself Haiti – How the French Revolution influenced other parts of the world

4 Mexico & Father Miguel Hidalgo
Priest believes in Enlightenment principles Organizes a revolt of mestizos & Indians El Grito de Dolores Moralos leads after Hidalgo is executed Independence in by Creole Mexico & Father Miguel Hidalgo

5 Latin America Creole influenced by Enlightenment
Uses 1808 French invasion of Spain as opportunity Together with Jose de San Martin they liberate all of Latin America by 1824 His goal was to unite South America as one country Latin America

6 He succeeded in creating Gran Colombia which consisted of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador but it fell apart due to rivalries and nationalism of individual countries. Simon Bolivar

7 After independence Latin America fell victim to civil wars
After independence Latin America fell victim to civil wars. It would be a long time before stability would be restored. Gran Colombia

8 The Jamaica Letter Bolivar wrote the Jamaica Letter while in exile.
Expresses his disillusionment because Latin America is not ready for liberal democracy. The Jamaica Letter

9 Bolivar’s Legacy

10 Brazil French invasion Royal family flees & sets up gov in Brazil
Later family returns Achieved independence without any bloodshed. Creoles ask for independence & for Dom Padro as their leader. Brazil


12 Latin America greatly influenced by the Enlightenment & French Revolution
Although they achieved independence they did not achieve democracy Class struggles and bitter rivalries among nations arose. Bolivar’s dream of a Gran Colombia (unification of all or most of Latin America) never materialized. Political Impact

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