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Social Evolution and the Science of Networks Garry Jacobs WAAS e-seminar on Network Science November 8, 2012 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Evolution and the Science of Networks Garry Jacobs WAAS e-seminar on Network Science November 8, 2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Evolution and the Science of Networks Garry Jacobs WAAS e-seminar on Network Science November 8, 2012 1

2 Social Evolution Society evolves increasing consciousness, Consciousness evolves by increasing organization Social networks are complex, highly interconnected and integrated forms of organization Social development can best be understood as the growth of a complex, highly integrated web of interactions and relationships between people, places, activities, and ideas Moores law is a subset of a social principle operative since before the invention of agriculture. 2

3 Social Networks Govern Movement and exchange of material things Interactions between individuals and groups Interrelationships between activities Linkages between organizations Collection and dissemination of information Accumulation and organization of knowledge Exchange and development of ideas 3

4 Society as multidimensional network Transportation Communications Economic exchange Banking and finance Rules, regulations and laws Governing institutions Civil society organizations Education and research News & entertainment Public opinion Information, knowledge and skills 4

5 Money Language, Money and Internet exemplify the view of society as an increasingly complex and integrated network. Money is a networking tool like language Before money, human exchange was limited to barter based on double coincidence of need and capacity between buyer and seller Money multiplies the possibilities, speed and reach of economic transactions exponentially from local to global, from the here and now to the distant future Like language, money is an organization of social symbols and social power Money organizes the distribution and application of social power in all aspects of life 5

6 Market The power of money is best understood in combination with another social network – Market Market is a physical and social organization designed to increase the frequency, volume, reach, speed and efficiency of commercial exchanges Banking is a network marketing system for money. Credit cards form a global network seamlessly linking banks, merchants and consumers 6

7 Characteristics of Networks Similarities with other forms of social organizations o Predefined activities and pathways o Standardized procedures o Hierarchy of authority o Systematic functioning Differences from other types of organization o Decentralized or uncentralized flat structure o Multi-directionality o Authority is delegated to standards o Tend to be open systems like language, money, internet 7

8 Integration The concept of integration is critical to understanding the power of networks Networks have a tendency to integrate with one another, which is a natural property of all social systems Every new social organization has a tendency to extend its reach to the boundaries of society geographically and integrate itself with every other social institution. Integration is the key to unlimited expansion of social productivity and human welfare The degree of integration of any social system is one measure of its development and scope for further growth 8

9 Limits to Money There is no limit to the number or variety of words and concepts we can create to enhance our knowledge and communications So too, an application of network principles to the multiplication of money will abolish the limitations imposed by 19th century conventional economic thinking The basis of money is the unlimited potential of society to enhance the welfare and well-being of its members There is no limit to the amount of money that can be generated The spread of wealth is one measure of the efficiency of global society as a network 9

10 Implications The potential for improving the performance of human networks for human welfare is immense We are still at an early stage in the coordination and integration of human interactions for optimal advantage and advancement The development of networks such as Wikipedia illustrate the untapped potential for enhancing the productivity of global society The co-existence of high levels of unemployment with high levels of unmet social needs indicates that we still rely on 19th century models of human interaction 10

11 Social Application of Network Principles Transfer of all types and levels of skills Global marketplace for self-employment opportunities Tapping the rich human potential of retirees Global referendum affirming sovereignty of humanity Global monetary system Global cooperative security system 11

12 12 Thank You

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