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Middle East.

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1 Middle East


3 Agriculture and Fishing
Small percentage of arable land Mediterranean climate - cereal crops Humid subtropical - citrus fruits, grapes, and cotton Steppes of Central Asia - crops, grazing, and silkworms Arable land - yet the majority of people work in agriculture

4 Industry Commodities – economic goods Over 60% of worlds oil
50% of natural gas reserves.

5 Petrochemicals Crude oil
Products derived from petroleum or natural gas Crude oil Petroleum that has not yet been refined Exported to countries

6 Service Industries Banking, real estate, and insurance
60% of Bahrains’s GDP Tourism Northwest Africa and Southwest Asia Holy sites Mediterranean climate

7 Waterways and Pipelines
Pipelines to transport oil and water Suez Canal connects Red Sea with Mediterranean

8 Communications Satellite technology brings communication to large expanses of desert Solar powered radio-phones Government in some places limits programming for television

9 New Silk Roads Telecommunications highway
Plans to build road, rail and air routes along original Silk Road 30 countries

10 Trade OPEC Controls much of trade because of oil dependence 1973 embargo Restricted oil to U.S.

11 Water Aquifers Desalination Removes salt from seawater Aswan High Dam
Underground layers of rock, gravel, and sand that contain water Desalination Removes salt from seawater Aswan High Dam Controls flooding along Nile Generates Hydroelectric Power

12 Aswan High Dam

13 Great Man-Made River Pipelines that carry fresh water to Mediterranean farms from aquifers in the Sahara

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