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11k Anaheim Agendas Date:

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1 11k Anaheim Agendas Date: 2005-09-19
Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at

2 802.11k Anaheim Agenda 9/19/05 Monday
Radio Resource Measurement 802.11k Anaheim Agenda 9/19/05 Monday Sign In +

3 Radio Resource Measurement
Agenda Radio Resource Measurement Patent Policy Inappropriate Topics Documentation and Presentation Rules LB73 Comment Resolution Attendance

4 Radio Resource Measurement
6. Patents IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002

5 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings Radio Resource Measurement
Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002

6 Radio Resource Measurement
Documentation Radio Resource Measurement Present draft is 2.3 Documents must be on the server before presenting For LB73 comment processing, need a Word document with changes to D2.0 + Powerpoint to present them + Powerpoint with motion to instruct the editor

7 Radio Resource Measurement
Meeting Objectives Radio Resource Measurement Whole Anaheim Meeting: LB73 Technical Comment Resolution New Letter Ballot

8 Radio Resource Measurement
Anaheim Work Radio Resource Measurement Technical Comment Resolution Next major milestone: Letter Ballot

9 Radio Resource Measurement
Overall Work Approach Radio Resource Measurement Deferred Comment Resolutions for most of Monday Votes on Monday afternoon to have comments for Simon Barber to incorporate into Draft 2.4 to propose for Draft 3.0 to go to Letter Ballot after Anaheim Process all outstanding deferred comments by end of week. Draft 2.4 for the end of the week Vote to go to Letter Ballot by the end of the week

10 TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Monday Sep 19th 2005 - 13:30-18:00
Monday Agenda Radio Resource Measurement TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Monday Sep 19th :30-18:00 1 II Meeting Call to Order - PAINE 13:30 2 *II REVIEW IEEE/802 & POLICIES and RULES (IP, Voting, Robert's Rules, etc) 15 3 *MI APPROVE OR MODIFY AGENDA 10 13:45 4 DT Set/Review Objectives PAINE / ALL 13:55 5 Update on Teleconference Results 14:10 6 Call for Presentations PAINE/ALL 14:25 7 Review Comments and Technical Presentations 50 14:40 8 Break 30 15:30 9 120 16:00 Recess until Tuesday morning 18:00

11 Radio Resource Measurement
Work Approach Radio Resource Measurement Deferred Comment Resolution Toward the end of the Monday session, take the following votes: Vote on Teleconference Comment Resolutions Vote on Location, Channel Load, and Frame

12 Radio Resource Measurement
Technical Comment Categories Radio Resource Measurement

13 ftp://server/ IP Address:
Will be used for this Session!

14 ftp://server/802-11/ Upload ALL Submissions
Into the INCOMING Documents folder


16 Radio Resource Measurement
Presentations Radio Resource Measurement Gray - MIB Comment Resolutions (presently blank) 05/245r2 Black – Req-Rpt Comment Resolutions (presently blank) Paine – Security Comment Resolutions (presently blank) 05/468r5 Kwak – Channel Load 05/934r0, QoS, and Statistics 05/761r1 and 05/762r1 Comment Resolutions (presently blank) Black – Beacon Report (Tues) Black – Additions and Corrections to Triggered Measurements (Thu) Kwak – RSNI normative text (Wed) Kwak – RCPI confidence specification (Wed) Kwak – TSF Information Aging (Wed) Ecclesine – E911 and Location (Wed)

17 Frame Vote Motion: Instruct the editor to remove the Frame request/report measurement from the 11k specification. Moved: Olson Second: Black Result: 2-6-3

18 Channel Load Vote Motion: Instruct the editor to remove the Channel Load request/report measurement from the 11k specification. Moved: Gray Second: Wang Result:

19 Location (LCI) Vote Motion: Instruct the editor to remove the LCI request/report measurement from the 11k specification. Moved: Lefkowitz Second: Ecclesine Result: 2-8-1

20 Seattle Ad Hoc 3 Minutes Vote
Move to accept the Seattle Ad Hoc 3 minutes found in 05/896r3. Moved: Kwak Second: Gray Result: 5-0-6

21 Teleconference Minutes Vote
Move to accept the teleconference minutes of the teleconferences between San Francisco 2 and Anaheim as found in 05/823r4. Moved: Wang Second: Kwak Result:

22 802.11k Anaheim Agenda Tues 9/20/05
Radio Resource Measurement 802.11k Anaheim Agenda Tues 9/20/05 Sign In +

23 TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Tuesday Sep 20th 2005 - 13:30-18:00pm
Radio Resource Measurement TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Tuesday Sep 20th :30-18:00pm 11 II Meeting Call to Order PAINE 13:30 12 DT Review Comments and Technical Presentations - PAINE/ALL 120 13 Break 30 15:30 14 16:00 Recess until Wednesday morning 18:00

24 Radio Resource Measurement
Agenda 9/20/05 Radio Resource Measurement Comment Resolutions Vote on Seattle Ad Hoc Comment Resolutions Presentations

25 Motion Move to accept the Seattle Ad Hoc 3 “accepted”, “counter”, and “declined” comment resolutions in the next 11k draft. They are documented in 05/191r58. Moved: Black Second: Kwak Result:

26 Motion Move to accept the San Francisco 2 through the 9/7/05 teleconference “accepted”, “counter”, and “declined” comment resolutions in the next 11k draft. They are documented in 05/191r54. Moved: Kwak Second: Black Result: 7-0-7

27 Radio Resource Measurement
Presentations Radio Resource Measurement Black – Beacon Report (Tues) 05/947r0 and 05/948r0 Paine – Security Comment Resolutions (presently blank) 05/468r5 Kwak – Channel Load 05/934r0, QoS, and Statistics 05/761r1 and 05/762r1 Comment Resolutions (presently blank)

28 Motion Move to instruct the editor to include the normative text in 05/948r0 into the next version of the TGk draft. Moved: Black Second: Jokela Result:

29 Motion Move to instruct the editor to include the comment resolutions in 05/468r5, except the resolution for #1340, into the next version of the TGk draft. Moved: Paine Second: Qi Result: Withdrawn

30 Statistics Vote Motion: Instruct the editor to remove the Statistics request/report measurement from the 11k specification. Moved: Kwak Second: Gray Result: 0-6-3

31 Radio Resource Measurement
802.11k Agenda Wed 9/21/05 Sign In +

32 TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Wednesday Sep 21st, 2005 - 13:30-18:00
Radio Resource Measurement TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Wednesday Sep 21st, :30-18:00 15 DT Review Comments and Technical Presentations - PAINE/ALL 120 13:30 16 II Break 30 15:30 17 16:00 Social 18:00

33 Radio Resource Measurement
Agenda 9/20/05 Radio Resource Measurement Presentations Comment Resolutions

34 Radio Resource Measurement
Presentations Radio Resource Measurement Vote on Statistics Request/Report normative text (05/762r1) Kwak – Channel Load Category Spreadsheet Gray - MIB Comment Resolutions (presently blank) 05/245r2 (1pm) Kwak – RSNI normative text (Wed afternoon) 779r1 941r0 Vote on 9/22/05 Kwak – RCPI confidence specification (Wed afternoon) Vote after 5pm on 21st Ecclesine – E911 and Location (Wed afternoon) 05/999r0 Paine/Lefkowitz – Security Comment Resolutions (presently blank) 05/468r5 Update from Editor

35 Motion Move to instruct the editor to include the normative text in 05/762r1 into the next version of the TGk draft. Moved: Kwak Second: Qi Result:

36 Motion Move to change the draft renaming RCPI to aRSSI (absolute RSSI). Moved: Gray Second: Kwak Result: 2-3-4

37 Motion Move to instruct the chair to incorporate the contents of 05/934r1 into the next version of the LB73 comment resolution spreadsheet. Moved: Kwak Second: Gray Result:

38 Motion Move to instruct the editor to include the normative text in 05/995r0 into the next version of the TGk draft. Moved: Kwak Second: Result:

39 Motion Move to instruct the chair to incorporate the contents of 05/468r6 into the next version of the LB73 comment resolution spreadsheet. Moved: Lefkowitz Second: Qi Result:

40 Motion Move to instruct the editor to include the normative text in 05/579r1 into the next version of the TGk draft. Moved: Ecclesine Second: Barber Result:

41 Radio Resource Measurement
Presentations (contd) Radio Resource Measurement

42 Radio Resource Measurement
802.11k Agenda Thu 9/22/05 Sign In +

43 TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Thursday Sep 22nd, 2005 - 13:30-18:00
Radio Resource Measurement TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Thursday Sep 22nd, :30-6pm TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Thursday Sep 22nd, :30-18:00 18 DT Review Comments and Technical Presentations - PAINE/ALL 120 08:00 AM 19 II Recess until 1330 210 10:00 AM 20 13:30 21 Break 30 15:30 22 16:00 23 Vote on Going to Letter Ballot 18:00 24 ADJOURN

44 Radio Resource Measurement
Anaheim Agenda 9/22/05 Radio Resource Measurement Presentations Comment Resolution in spreadsheet Vote on going to Letter Ballot

45 Radio Resource Measurement
Presentations Radio Resource Measurement Simon put up Req-Rep 05/1003r0 and 05/1004r0 – issues to Simon by 1330 Kwak – Vote 05/761r1 Statistics Comment Spreadsheet Kwak – RCPI confidence specification (Wed afternoon) Vote Deferred Review Black – Additions and Corrections to Triggered Measurements 05/1005r0 (Thu) Kwak – TSF Information Aging 05/977r0 05/436r1 Black – Req-Rpt Comment Resolutions (presently blank) 05/1003r1 and 05/1004r0 Kwak – Misc Normative Text 05/976r0

46 Radio Resource Measurement
Presentations (contd) Radio Resource Measurement Kwak – RSNI normative text (Wed afternoon) 779r1 941r0 Vote on 9/22/05 Vote on Azimuth normative text (05/893r0) – NOT VOTED Vote the normative text in 1003r1 and the spreadsheet resolutions in 05/1004r0 11k Lessons Learned 05/1013r0 11k Vision 05/996r0 11k Timelines Gray - MIB Vote 05/245r5 05/963r5 Kwak – Misc Spreadsheet 05/978r0 Vote Kwak – RSNI normative text (Wed afternoon) 779r1 941r1 Vote on 9/22/05 5:30pm Votes

47 Motion Move to instruct the chair to incorporate the contents of 05/761r1 into the next version of the LB73 comment resolution spreadsheet. Moved: Kwak Second: Ecclesine Result:

48 Motion Move to instruct the editor to include the normative text in 05/995r0 into the next version of the TGk draft. Moved: Kwak Second: Jokela Result:

49 Motion Move to instruct the editor to include the normative text changes in 05/1005r0 into the next version of the TGk draft. Moved: Black Second: Qi Result:

50 Straw Poll Should TGk add a drift rate field to the TSF Offset information? 3-5-8

51 Motion Move to instruct the editor to include the normative text changes in 05/893r1 into the next version of the TGk draft. Moved: Ecclesine Second: Result:

52 Straw Poll Would you support adding optional azimuth information to the LCI? 16-0-2

53 Motion Move to instruct the editor to include the normative text in 05/1003r1 into the next version of the TGk draft. Moved: Black Second: Ecclesine Result:

54 Motion Move to instruct the chair to incorporate the comments marked req-rpt-2 in the notes column of 05/1004r0 into the next version of the LB73 comment resolution spreadsheet. Moved: Black Second: Ecclesine Result:

55 Motion Move to instruct the editor to include the normative text in 05/245r5 into the next version of the TGk draft. Moved: Gray Second: Black Result:

56 Motion Move to instruct the chair to incorporate all the comments of 05/963r5 into the next version of the LB73 comment resolution spreadsheet. Moved: Gray Second: Ecclesine Result:

57 Empowerment for Teleconferences
Move to request the Working Group to empower TGk to hold weekly teleconferences (Thursdays at 11:30am Eastern time) through 2 weeks after the Vancouver meeting as required to conduct business necessary to progress the Letter Ballot process, including creating and issuing drafts for Letter Ballots and handling other business necessary to progress through the IEEE standards process. TGk Movers: Barber/Gray Result:

58 Motion Move to instruct the editor to include the normative text in 05/976r0 into the next version of the TGk draft. Moved: Kwak Second: Ecclesine Result:

59 Motion Move to instruct the editor to include the normative text in 05/941r1 into the next version of the TGk draft. Moved: Kwak Second: Gray Result:

60 Motion Move to request the Working Group to authorize a 40-day Letter Ballot of TGk draft 3.0 to conclude no later than 11/12/05. Task Group Vote: Moved: Black Second: Kwak Result: .

61 Motion to Empower the Editor
Move to empower the TGk editor to produce a Letter Ballot draft (D3.0) based on approved comment resolutions and documents from the Anaheim meeting. TGk Movers: Black/Kwak Result: 13/0/1

62 Motion Move to instruct the chair to incorporate all the comments of 05/978r1 into the next version of the LB73 comment resolution spreadsheet. Moved: Kwak Second: Gray Result: 9-0-2

63 Radio Resource Measurement
802.11k Anaheim 9/23/05 WG Closing Plenary +

64 802.11k Anaheim Closing Plenary Report
Richard Paine

65 Meeting Objectives Whole Anaheim Meeting:
LB73 Technical Comment Resolution Letter Ballot

66 Meeting Objectives Met
Whole Anaheim Meeting: LB73 Technical Comment Resolution completed Approval of the TG to go to Letter Ballot

67 Accomplishments ~500 Comment Resolutions and Technical Presentations
Completed LB73 Comment Resolutions

68 Objectives for Nov 2005 Plenary
Letter Ballot Comment Resolution Objectives for Jan 2005 Recirculation Letter Ballot Comment Resolution

69 Plans Plan until next meeting: Weekly Teleconferences on Thu 11:30am Eastern Time starting on 9/29/05. Ad Hoc? Plan for start of next meeting: Letter Ballot Comment Resolution Next major milestone: Letter Ballot Recirculation

70 Next Telecom 9/29/05 9/29/05 Meeting:
Blank comment resolution processing

71 Motion Move to request the Working Group to authorize a 40-day Letter Ballot of TGk draft 3.0 to conclude no later than 11/12/05. Task Group Vote: Moved: Black Second: Kwak Result: .

72 Motion to Empower the Editor
Move to empower the TGk editor to produce a Letter Ballot draft (D3.0) based on approved comment resolutions and documents from the Anaheim meeting. TGk Movers: Black/Kwak Result: 13/0/1

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