Constitutional Amendments

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Presentation on theme: "Constitutional Amendments"— Presentation transcript:

1 Constitutional Amendments
1-10 Bill of Rights 11-27 Amendments

2 Bill of Rights The B.o.R. (basic rights)
Lists rights that ALL citizens (you and me) get All are rights that colonists didn’t get! Wrote them to make sure that future generations will receive these rights Protects our civil liberties (freedoms for everyone). Bill of Rights

3 1st Amendment (I) Freedom of RAPPS
Religion Establishment Clause - Congress can’t establish a religion Free Exercise Clause - Choose your own religion!! Assembly (Peaceful) Petition (Gain support for an idea) Press Slander - Spoken lies (can’t do) Libel - Printed lies (can’t do) The Zenger Case (1733): Peter Zenger arrested and imprisoned for criticizing NY governor, later acquitted (found not guilty) Speech 1st Amendment (I) Freedom of RAPPS

4 2nd Amendment (II) The Right to bare arms Bare- have, hold, carry
Arms- weapons

5 3rd Amendment (III) No Quartering of Soldiers Think – 3 Little Pigs
“Let me in!”

6 4th Amendment (IV) No Illegal searches and seizures
Jay-z has 4 letters 4 looks like a Cant search a house without a warrant

7 I heard "Son do you know why I'm stoppin' you for
I heard "Son do you know why I'm stoppin' you for?" Cause I'm young and I'm black and my hats real low? Do I look like a mind reader sir, I don't know Am I under arrest or should I guess some mo'? "Well you was doin fifty-five in a fifty-fo' " "License, registration and step out of the car" "Are you carryin' a weapon on you I know a lot of you are" I ain't steppin out…all my paper's legit "Well, do you mind if I look round the car a little bit?" Well my glove compartment is locked so is the trunk in the back And I know my rights so you goin' need a warrant for that "Aren't you sharp as a tack, you some type of lawyer or.. somebody important or somethin'?" Nah, I ain't pass the bar but I know a little bit Enough that you won't illegally search my The 99 PROBLEMS LYRICS are the property of the respective authors, artists and labels, the lyrics are provided for educational purposes only

8 5th Amendment (V) Due Process (Appropriate process taken in all legal procedures) I plead the 5th! (don’t self incriminate…yourself?) Double Jeopardy (can’t be tried twice for the same crime) Grand Jury (enough evidence for trial?) Eminent Domain (govt can’t take property w/payment)

9 6th Amendment (V+I= VI)- Speedy Six
Even Speeders get Right to a trial by jury (criminal cases only) Right to a lawyer Right to a speedy trial Right to confront witnesses

10 7th Amendment (VII) Seven= Civil Civil Cases are not criminal
Right to a trial in a civil case only if more than $20

11 8th Amendment (VIII) No Cruel and Unusual Punishments!
No Excessive Bails and Fines

12 9th Amendment (IX) In case we forgot any,
All the other rights are given to the people! Nine= Mine

13 10th Amendment (X) Rights reserved for the states

14 11th Amendment (XI) Suits against States 1 vs 1, State vs State

15 12th Amendment Voting for the President and Vice President as a unit
Vote for the #1 person and #2 person at the same time!

16 13th Amendment (XIII) Abolished Slavery
13 original colonies had slavery.

17 14th Amendment (XIV) We are ALL equal under the law! One Four ALL!!
Connects to 5th – Open Hand

18 15th Amendment (XV) African American Suffrage
African American has 15 letters! 13th, 14th, 15th go together

19 16th Amendment (XVI) Congress can collect income tax
Do you like taxes? Are you SICK of them? SICK-TEEN AMENDMENT

20 17th Amendment (XVII) The People elect senators instead of the State Licensure “SENATE-TEEN”

What can’t you do when you turn 18? Drive Buy Cigarettes Tobacco R-rated movies Tattoo Drink Alcohol Repealed by the 21st Amendment

22 Women get the right to vote!
19th Amendment (XIX) Women get the right to vote! Voting rights cannot be denied on the basis of sex Passed in 1919

23 20th Amendment (XX) When the President and VP get inaugurated
January 20th When Congress gets sworn in March 4th

24 21st Amendment (XXI) What can you do LEGALLY on your 21st Birthday?
DRINK! Prohibition is repealed.

25 President only gets two two-year terms
22nd Amendment (XXII) President only gets two two-year terms

26 23rd Amendment (XXIII) DC can vote for President
Michael Jordan’s number was 23 He played for the DC Wizards

27 24th Amendment (XXIV) No Poll Taxes You get 2 vote 4 free!

28 What happens if the President dies?? 25 President Dies
25th Amendment (XXV) What happens if the President dies?? 25 President Dies

29 26th Amendment (XXVI) 18 year old’s can vote 2 + 6 = 8teen year old’s

30 27th Amendment (XXVII) Congress cannot give themselves a pay raise.
They can only give pay raises to the next group of representatives Congress would be heaven if it wasn’t for 27

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