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Improving your grades in ALevel Sociology Objectives:-

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Presentation on theme: "Improving your grades in ALevel Sociology Objectives:-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving your grades in ALevel Sociology Objectives:-
To know and understand how to achieve the assessment objectives in Sociology.

2 Focus on AO1 You need to be able to: Demonstrate that you have Sociological Knowledge and be able to explain, showing you understand the points e.g using a key term and explaining what it means Chimpanzees may like bananas because they are an excellent source of vitamins and potassium NGfL - Cymru

3 Focus on AO2 You need to be able to: Give good examples of your points
Provide sociological evidence to support point e.g research studies/names of theorists Make links/apply sociological perspectives to your points Research by Kanzi et al suggests Chimps who eat more bananas are healthier NGfL - Cymru

4 Focus on AO3 The most advanced skills and what separates GCSEs from A Levels You need to Analyse - Be able to say what your point means or suggests about a theory/society or a concept Evaluate - Be able to offer judgements e.g strengths and weaknesses of evidence and theories and counterargue points NGfL - Cymru

5 Therefore the fact that they are good for them could be a coincidence
This may suggests that animals naturally prefer food which is good for them However they may eat them because they are easily available and because they like the taste Therefore the fact that they are good for them could be a coincidence NGfL - Cymru

6 Assessment Objectives can be achieved by :-
Remembering to PEAE! Point – demonstrates your knowledge Evidence – shows that you can apply appropriate examples and/or perspectives which demonstrates understanding Analysis – demonstrates that you can apply the big picture and say what your point means or suggests. Evaluation – demonstrates critical thinking i.e strengths/weakness or alternative viewpoints.

7 Can you find the Aos? However put, roles in the family can never be equal. It is biologically impossible. Feminists see the maternal role as the oppression of women by men, but surely this is not the case. Biologists would say that a stronger link is almost always created between the mother and the child. Therefore the most natural way of scientific reasoning would be to say that the female would be suited more to looking after a child in the early stages of its life as men do not have the biological make-up to have a baby. .

8 Writing Sociologically
Feminists such as Zaretsky would argue that women are not equal in the home. Evelyn Gillian’s evidence shows that 98.9% of violent attacks in the home are by men on women. This implies that Feminists still have a way to go before equality between genders is reached. Although crime statistics show that more women are reporting domestic violence and that it is violence against men that often does under-reported.

9 Refer to handout ‘What is Culture ?’
Your task with a partner is to devise a paragraph about culture using AO1, AO2 and AO3 skills Define the term culture using some words you have in your glossary Give some examples of elements/types of culture What do your definition and examples suggest about culture? However – Can you see it from an alternative view? E.g Why do we have cultural universals? Feeling confident? Apply a perspective to your paragraph NGfL - Cymru

10 There is good writing here:
The hidden curriculum is associated with Pierre Bourdieu and it is all those things that pupils are taught in school without realising it. For example good manners or punctuality. clear explanation of term named writer Sociological term

11 Starting an answer The opening paragraph for an essay should be precise. It should explain terms or outline an argument. Look at the first paragraph to the essay which follows. Marriage is naturally thought of as a partnership of equals these days. A lot of men now do much more housework and childcare than they used to in olden times.

12 What do examiners want? Evidence of knowledge about the course content
Evidence of understanding of the questions Well-planned answers that are relevant to the question Good English and clear writing NGfL - Cymru

13 How to upset the marker Ignoring the instructions
Misreading the question Irrelevant answers Twisting the question Going off on a tangent NGfL - Cymru

14 ‘Don’t know. Had c**p teacher.’
So don’t try this trick! ‘Don’t know. Had c**p teacher.’ NGfL - Cymru

15 Examinations are Set by practicing teachers Checked by teachers
Marked by teachers In addition teachers are, by their nature, people who are very good at passing examinations. NGfL - Cymru

16 Group Work How many marks is the component 1 paper worth – look at Eduqas website What is Podology? How many people are in prison in the UK currently – Look on ONS or google What study is Paul Willis famous for? Look in Cupboard in C2 and find Sociology book by Haralambos and Holborn – what is on the front? How many official ethnic groups are there in the UK? What are the new social classes according to recent BBC research? Who is the Puppet with the grey beard in C2? He has a friend in C1, who is this? NGfL - Cymru

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