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Genimpact International Symposium Bergen 7/2007 Genetic Impacts from Aquaculture: Meeting the Challenge in Europe Aquaculture and Environmental Interactions:

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Presentation on theme: "Genimpact International Symposium Bergen 7/2007 Genetic Impacts from Aquaculture: Meeting the Challenge in Europe Aquaculture and Environmental Interactions:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Genimpact International Symposium Bergen 7/2007 Genetic Impacts from Aquaculture: Meeting the Challenge in Europe Aquaculture and Environmental Interactions: The EU Strategy By Richard Bates DG Fisheries & Maritime Affairs European Commission

2 Plan of Presentation 1) Introduction
2) Integration of Environmental Policy; Sustainable Development and Biodiversity 3) New alien species legislation and the containment issue 4) Other relevant EU legislation 5) Current Review of 2002 Strategy

3 1. Introduction Background - FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, Art 9 - Aquaculture (9.3 Genetic Res) 2002 Strategy (COM(2002) 511) - context 10 year updating of CFP Environmental issues addressed include: Escapees, alien species and GMOs Escapees may induce long-term damage by loss of genetic diversity Alien species may lead to biodiversity threats and disease Concern re release of transgenic fish without containment Governance (Codes of Conduct…)

4 2) Integration of Environmental Policy; Sustainable Development and Biodiversity
Background - Earth Summit at Rio 1992-> Commission on Sustainable Development -> Biodiversity convention 2002 Community Action Plan to integrate environment protection requirements into the CFP (COM(2002) 186) from Article 6 of EC Treaty Principles of Env policy - precaution + prevention + rectification at source + polluter pays

5 2) Ctd. Biodiversity Action Plan for Fisheries
COM(2001) Chapter 5. Action plan on aquaculture European Environment Agency report warns re impact on biodiversity via feeding,pests & escaping species (with consequent genetic changes in wild animals) Reviewed EU & International legal framework

6 2) Ctd. Biodiversity Action Plan for Fisheries - Actions
Action VIII - Reduction of environmental impact (incl loss of genetic diversity - case of salmon quoted) Action IX - Limit introduction of new species and secure animal health (incl promote guidelines on containment of farmed fish in aquaculture) Action X - Research to provide enhanced knowledge related to aquaculture (incl genetic impact)

7 2) Ctd. Sustainable Development
Strategy adopted in Gothenburg in 2001 Communication set out strategy for sustainable development of European aquaculture (COM(2003) 511) involving new focus on EIA + structural funding for + env effects + financial incentives for EMAS 6/2006 European Council adopts renewed strategy. Commission (with inputs from MS) to submit progress report each 2 years, first in Autumn 2007 for December Council

8 3) Alien species and containment
Alien species - Council Regulation 708/2007 of 11 June published last week in Official Journal (L 168, , page 1) Presentation at Thessaloniki Workshop 4/07 Concerns biodiversity and not disease Introduces permit system at MS level Nomination of competent authority/ies and advisory committee/ies (AC) AC decides if routine or non-routine movement Env risk assessment for non-routine Quarantine + pilot release + potentially exempt species in Annex IV

9 3) Alien species and containment ctd
Containment - left to Member States for present Impact Assessment for alien species proposal (SEC(2006) 421) most consultees against binding EU legislation Norway (NS 9415.E, 2003 Marine Fish Farms) NASCO 2001 Guidelines on Containment + Williamsburg Resolution

10 4. Other relevant EU legislation
Natura 2000 EIA Water legislation

11 4. Other relevant EU legislation
GMO Organic Production (appropriate strains, no polyploidy, artificial hybridisation) Labelling

12 5. Current consultation on sustainable aquaculture for the future
Published on internet 11 May 2007 Open for comment until 15 July 2007 Have a successful Symposium with good discussion and tell us where the gaps are!

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