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Aging and Caring A Look at the Issues

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1 Aging and Caring A Look at the Issues
Financial Concerns-many older adults live on a fixed income. It is usually paid monthly and may not cover the retired person’s expenses. People without other financial resources often have a hard time making ends meet. Some adults are more frugal, or careful with how they spend their money. There are 2 main government programs for older adults: social security and medicare.

2 A Look at the Issues continued
Continue to work or not?-Many people continue to work for a few reasons: the strains in the Social Security system may mean that more older people will need to work to make ends meet. Many enjoy the social aspects of a job. Some do jobs that are less demanding than those held before. Some choose part time or volunteer work.

3 A Look at the Issues continued
Medical Care-many older adults need a lot of healthcare. This can be costly at a time where income is low or fixed. Medicare help pay expenses. Too much medication is another problem. People with many health problems can have several doctors prescribed drugs. Mixing medications can be harmful. Older adults may have trouble knowing how much of each medicine to take and when.

4 A Look at the Issues continued
Living Arrangements-Older adults cherish their independence much like teens do. Safety, however, is a major concern. Injuries are a major cause of death among people 65+. Simple steps can make housing safer for older people: Furniture can be rearranged to create clear, easy traffic patterns, skid resistant strips can be put on bathtubs and rugs, etc.

5 Housing 4 types: Shared housing Group housing Living with family
Retirement communities Pg. 289 describes each type Brochure activity

6 Safety-Older adults are often very concerned with safety
Safety-Older adults are often very concerned with safety. They may feel vulnerable to crime and violence. Crime: a theft of $100 may be much more serious to a person on a fixed income than to a working person. Injury: physical injury doesn’t heal as well on an older body. Physical injury can be life threatening. Elder Abuse or neglect- The abuse is by adult children or caregivers. It has occurred in some nursing homes. Sometimes caregivers just neglect the older adult. The stress of caring for an older adult is a trigger for violence in some. Those who take care of older adults need supports.

7 Images of Aging Some people look forward to old age. Some dread it. What is the age for people who advertise beauty creams or anti-aging creams? Some societies see youth as more desirable. Aging often is not desirable. Some people are biased against older adults. They feel that older people aren’t as alert, intelligent and capable as younger people. This is called ageism.

8 Move Beyond Stereotypes
Understanding the agin process can help you see the concerns for older adults. You learn the facts that disprove stereotypes. You learn that, like teenagers, older adults are not all alike. Spending time with older adults gives a truer picture than stereotypes.

9 “You’re Only Old Once” By: Dr. Seuss

10 Old Age Quiz True or False
Elderly people are too old to hold responsible jobs. Elderly people are cute and adorable. Elderly people are senile. Elderly people are boring. Elderly people are in good or excellent health. Elderly people are ugly. Elderly people can think clearly. Elderly people can learn new things. Elderly people enjoy sex. Elderly people are a burden. Elderly people spend a lot of time doing very little. Elderly people are in nursing homes.

11 Old Age Answers False – They may not be as efficient where physical labor, speed or concentration are critical but most older workers perform as well as younger workers. False – Society often perceives older adults as children and treat them that way. False – It is normal for short-term memory to decrease over time and for information to be processed less efficiently than when they were young. By age 80, only 6% of the elderly population is senile.

12 Old Age Answers False – Old people have a wealth of experience and life stories that most are willing to share. True – Most aged people consider their health to be good or excellent most of the time. False – Our society is very youth-oriented, but that does not mean that only young people can be beautiful. Old age is a different king of beauty, one enhanced by character and wisdom.

13 Old Age Answers True – Older adults have a harder time picking up information because their eyesight and hearing often decline. The key to thinking clearly is being an active learner all your life, getting a good education and being in good health. True – The older generation is more interested in the arts, in children, are more creative, philosophical and spiritual than those younger. Many take classes or do volunteer work.

14 Old Age Answers True – Older people do enjoy physical intimacy. Sexuality can be lifelong. False – Most older people live in their own homes and strive to be just as independent as possible. False – Most older people keep as busy as they would like to be pursuing household chores, hobbies, volunteer work and social networks. False – What percent do you think are in nursing homes? The actual number is 5%.

15 Aspects of Aging Emotional Aspects Physical Aspects Sexual Aspects
They may experience some identity problems in re-defining their roles as they age. Physical Aspects The human body matures at about the age of 25. At this point, the body begins to deteriorate. The organs become less efficient and sensory problems occur. Sexual Aspects Females: Menopause, around 50 the female sex hormones slow down. Males: Climacteric, male sex hormones begin decreasing around 50 and by 80 very few are produced. Financial Aspects Finances are their greatest worry. Social Security, Medicare and Pension Plans are not adequate.

16 Aging Simulation Stations
Welcome to the Senior Citizens’ Home! Aging Simulation Stations

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