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Aging and Caring Teens and the Elderly. Old Age Quiz True or False Elderly people are too old to hold responsible jobs. False They may not be as efficient.

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Presentation on theme: "Aging and Caring Teens and the Elderly. Old Age Quiz True or False Elderly people are too old to hold responsible jobs. False They may not be as efficient."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aging and Caring Teens and the Elderly

2 Old Age Quiz True or False Elderly people are too old to hold responsible jobs. False They may not be as efficient where physical labor, speed or concentration are critical but most older workers perform as well as younger workers. They may not be as efficient where physical labor, speed or concentration are critical but most older workers perform as well as younger workers.

3 Old Age Quiz True or False All Elderly people are senile. False It is normal for short-term memory to decrease over time and for information to be processed less efficiently than when they were young, but most are still “with it” mentally. By age 80, only 6% of the elderly population is senile.

4 Old Age Quiz True or False Elderly people can learn new things. True The older generation is more interested in the arts, in children, are more creative, philosophical and spiritual than those younger. Many take classes or do volunteer work.

5 Old Age Quiz True or False Elderly people are a burden. False Most older people live in their own homes and strive to be just as independent as possible.

6 Old Age Quiz True or False Elderly people spend a lot of time doing very little. False Most older people keep as busy as they would like to be pursuing household chores, hobbies, volunteer work and social networks.

7 Old Age Quiz True or False All Elderly people are in nursing homes. False What percent do you think are in nursing homes? The actual number is only 5%.

8 Empathize with the Elderly Population. Reflect and consider some of the following aspects of aging. Write down your ideas.

9 Aspects of Aging Emotional Aspects They may experience some identity problems in re-defining their roles as they age. They may experience some identity problems in re-defining their roles as they age. Physical Aspects The human body matures at about the age of 25. At this point, the body begins to deteriorate. The organs become less efficient and sensory problems occur. The human body matures at about the age of 25. At this point, the body begins to deteriorate. The organs become less efficient and sensory problems occur. Financial Aspects Finances are their greatest worry. Finances are their greatest worry. Social Security, Medicare and Pension Plans are not adequate. Social Security, Medicare and Pension Plans are not adequate.

10 Aging Simulation Welcome to Ms. Bagnall’s Senior Citizens’ Home!

11 Hearing Loss Place cotton balls in your ears, then listen to our story: “You’re Only Old Once”, by Dr. Seuss

12 Memory Game Try to remember everything on the next screen….


14 Howdid you do?

15 Kleenex Fly Swatter Stapler Tennis Ball Safety Pin PenPlanner/NotebookScissorsUSB/FlashdriveCar Super Glue Screw Driver Lotion Germ X Keys Tide Pen Cell Phone IpodShoelacesRulerEarrings Paint Brush ButterfingerChapstickBook Paper Clip Shoe/SandalWatchCameraWalletThread

16 Arthritis Using the duct tape found on the front table, tape your fingers together in the following manner: Pinky and ring fingers together Pinky and ring fingers together Middle and index fingers together Middle and index fingers together Do not tape your thumb Do not tape your thumb

17 Arthritis Now let’s see how well you can write! Take out another piece of paper. Write your first and last name in the top right hand corner of the paper. Number your paper from 1 to 10. Answer the following questions.

18 Arthritis 1.What color of shirt are you wearing? 2.How many buttons are on your clothes today? 3.What is your favorite vacation spot? 4.What is your middle name, if you have one? 5.What color is the sky?

19 Arthritis 6.What is your favorite food? 7.How tall are you? 8.What color is your hair? 9.Do your shoes have laces? 10.Was this activity hard? You may now remove the tape from all of your fingers and place it in the garbage can.

20 Vision Come to the front of the classroom and select a pair of glasses. For those students who already have glasses, please remove them for this activity.

21 Vision Simple Simon met a pieman going to the fair; Said Simple Simon to the pieman "Let me taste your ware" Said the pieman to Simple Simon "Show me first your penny" Said Simple Simon to the pieman "Sir, I have not any!" Simple Simon went a-fishing for to catch a whale; All the water he had got was in his mother's pail. Simple Simon went to look if plums grew on a thistle; He pricked his fingers very much which made poor Simon whistle. He went for water in a sieve but soon it all fell through; And now poor Simple Simon bids you all "Adieu" Please return your glasses to the front Please return your glasses to the front when you are done.

22 Taste Come choose a cookie from the front table. When you have returned to your seats, feel free to eat your cookie. Was anything missing? What did it taste like?

23 How Was This Experience? So…how was it being an elderly adult for a moment? I want you to write about your experiences today in class for your homework assignment. Elderly Lab Reaction Assignment – Due next class period.

24 Summary Get to know your grandparents a little better. You may be surprised how much you have in common. You experienced a little of what elderly adults face every minute of everyday. Be more patient with them and help where you can.

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