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Accreditation & Institution Set Standards

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Presentation on theme: "Accreditation & Institution Set Standards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accreditation & Institution Set Standards
Philip Dykstra Director, Institutional Research and Planning Accreditation Liaison Officer Liana Koeppel Communication Studies/Self Evaluation Chair

2 Accreditation Follow-up Report and Timeline
ACCJC Compliance Recommendation Follow-up Report Timeline

3 ACCJC Compliance Recommendation
In order to meet the standards, the team recommends that the college complete a full review of its processes related to the assessment and review cycle of Student Learning Outcomes for all instructional courses/programs to ensure that all courses, programs, and directly related services are improved (II.A.2, II.A.16)

4 Follow-up Report Report focuses solely on Compliance Recommendation
Follow-up Report due March 1, 2019 Midterm Report due in October 2021

5 Timeline Draft posted to website for Campus feedback (October 1)
Campus Feedback Open Forum (October 16) Steering Committee Meets (October 31) Present to Academic Senate (November 8) Present to Board of Trustees (November 27 & January 22) Final Report Due (March 1, 2019)

6 College Outcomes Assessment (COA) Review Cycle Plan
Campus Culture of Assessment Cycle of Assessment Comprehensive Integration of Assessment

7 Campus Culture of Assessment
Create a Campus-wide commitment to Outcomes Assessment Consistent language CSLO, SSSLO, ASO PSLO, ISLO

8 Cycle of Assessment Consistent Review Cycles

9 Comprehensive Integration of Assessment
Integration of Outcomes Assessment into Campus practices and procedures

10 Comprehensive Integration of Assessment
Collect COA Data Courses Student Services Campus Services Program Institution Analyze Data Course SLOs (CSLOs) Student Service SLOs (SSSLOs) Administrative Service Outcomes (ASOs) Program SLOs (PSLOs) Institutional SLOs (ISLOs) Program Review Instructional Program Review (PR) Student Services Quality Review (SSQR) Campus Services Quality Review (CSQR) Resource Allocation Request One-Time Funding Emergency/Special Funding Faculty Prioritization Resource Allocation

11 ACCJC Institution Set Standards Comparison over time
Year Target Actual Result 845 1,201 1,078 1,144 1,134 1,387 Year Target Actual Result 546 667 759 1,006 876 1,105

12 ACCJC Institution Set Standards Comparison over time
Year Target Actual Result Fall 2015 71.2% 70.5% X Fall 2016 71.1% 70.7% Fall 2017 72.1% 71.5% Year Target Actual Result 863 894 903 919 916 Unknown ?

13 Strategic Plan/ISS Fund
$265,713 requested $88,806 expended 4 projects fully funded 2 projects partially funded

14 Making the ISS process better
Fall Dialogue about all four ISS measures in PBC Spring 2019 – set the ISS targets in PBC & prepare ACCJC annual report

15 Thank you and have a great semester!

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