Start-Up of a Research Program in Sonoluminescence

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Presentation on theme: "Start-Up of a Research Program in Sonoluminescence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Start-Up of a Research Program in Sonoluminescence
Overview of Group Research Directions & Facilities Observation of Fluorescence Emissions in Sonoluminescence on Water doped with Dye Status and Plans Henry T. Wong /王子敬 Academia Sinica /

2 Collaborating Groups:
AS(台灣中央研究院), CIAE(北京原子能院), NCU(台灣中央大學), NCCU(台灣中正大學), NJU(南京大學), Slovakian Academy of Science Inter-disciplinary : expertise in particle physics, nuclear physics, optics ..... (BUT -- NO previous experience in acoustics, ultrsoncis ….. Etc.) A smaller-scale activities in parallel with our core program

3 Approaches: Research Directions:
Study processes that shed light to the underlying physics mechanism of SBSL Explore possibilities of emissions of high energy radiations in SBSL Approaches: Adopt and adapt techniques used in nuclear and particle physics experimentations (high energy radiation detectors, electronics, data acquisition, data analysis ….)

4 Resonators:

5 Liquid & Gas Systems

6 Data Acquisition System
VME Crate PMTs VME-PCI Bus Gate PZT-driver Synchronous Output Delay ADC TDC FADC 2.5 GHz Oscilloscope PMT PC Linux & Windows USB-GPIB

7 Observation of Fluorescence Emissions in Sonoluminescence
Motivations: SL emissions <200 nm not been observed due to self-absorption in water UV+HE spectra may provide information on the temperature for black-body emissions May help to differentiate black-body from other non-equilibrium emissions models Photon yields ratio between UV+HE & Optical is a convenient gauge of the relative temperature achieved in varying SBSL conditions.

8 Goal: devise an event-by-event analytical method to probe the UV+HE parts of the spectra
Strategy: dope water with fluorescent materials, wavelength-shifted HE SL emissions to optical and differentiate it from prompt SL via pulse shape analysis

9 Quinine is a strongly fluorescent compound in dilute acid solution
Choice of Dopant: Most scintillators are soluable only in organaic solvents  Need one that dissolves in water Quinine is a strongly fluorescent compound in dilute acid solution Absorption and Fluorescence ~250nm 400nm Visible light

10 Set-Up: Quinine in 0.9% dilute sulphuric acid in water
Plastic scintillator panel for capturing cosmic rays which gives pure fluorescent emissions Digitize pulse with 2.5 GHz oscilloscope interfaced to PC event-by-event Temperature ranges : 2oC – 25oC

11 Average of 1000 events: Pure SL from SBSL in water(0.9% sulphuric acid) Pure FL from cosmic rays Mixed SL+FL from SBSL in Quinine-doped water

12 Items to study on SL+FL emissions :
Evolve from qualitative to quantitative Measure UV/HE photon energy Derivation of temperatures assuming black body emissions, after calibration (light yield  energy output) procedures Improved DAQ system from Oscilloscope-GPIB to FADC at VME-Linux Distributions of (a,b) with large event samples Variations of (a,b) with ambient conditions and SBSL light yield

13 Other Research Program:
Fast DAQ Sampling (achieved 18 kHz) to study timing structures of SBSL events Repeat/Set Up “neutron detection experiment” to look for possible neutron emissions in SL (i.e. study of SL at high acoustic pressure) Devise techniques to measure SBSL pulse shapes, towards event-by-event modes , possibly towards HBT analysis

14 Preparation towards repeating neutron experiment at CIAE Neutron Facilities:
CIAE Pulsed Neutron Source 14 MeV or 3 MeV 1.5 ns spill length, repetitive rate 1.5 MHz 1010 neutrons per spill Beamline The small pipe side by side is for alpha measurement.

15 DAQ : tag neutrons with both PSD ToF
Neutron Detector : NE213 liquid scintillator Sensitive Area: Φ180mm×50 mm PSD capabilities for (n,g) separation DAQ : tag neutrons with both PSD ToF

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