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The English Reformation

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1 The English Reformation

2 Henry VIII (r. 1509-1547) Defense of the Seven Sacraments
Condemnation of Lutheranism Earns title “Defender of the Faith”

3 Catherine of Aragon Henry’s 1st Wife Produces 1 surviving child, Mary
No male heir Henry wants an annulment (divorce)

4 Pope Clement VII Refuses to grant divorce to Henry
Pope held captive by Catherine’s nephew HRE Charles V


6 Thomas Cranmer Convinces Henry that he could get the divorce if he broke from Rome (1533)

7 The Church of England Created 1533 (alt. called The Anglican Church)
Act of Supremacy (1534) Makes English monarch head of the English church Henry able to sell church lands for profit (25%) Doubles royal income Gains loyalty from southern nobles who buy the land Monasteries closed down Act of Succession (1534) Requires oath of loyalty to King as head of Anglican Church

8 The Pilgrimage of Grace (1536)
Popular uprising against the break with Rome

9 Anne Boleyn 2 Wife Executed for treason
Gives birth to daughter, Elizabeth Executed for treason


11 Jane Seymour Henry’s 3rd Wife Gives birth to a son, Edward
Dies from complications

12 Anne of Cleves Henry’s 4th Wife Divorced for being ugly

13 Catherine Howard 5th wife Beheaded for treason

14 Catherine Parr 6th wife Survives him in death

15 Edward VI (r. 1547-1553) Takes throne at 9 Years old
Moves Church of England towards Protestantism Faith Alone Denial of transubstantiation Only 2 sacraments

16 Lady Jane Grey (9 Days) Willed the throne by Edward VI
Afraid of Catholic Mary Tudor

17 Mary I (r. 1553-1558) Strongly Catholic
Moves church back towards Catholicism Marries Philip II of Spain Executes over 300 protestant leaders


19 Elizabeth the Ginger (r. 1558-1603)
Mildly Protestant A “politique”- practical politics and bananas! decisions favor peace and order Elizabethan Settlement Seeks “Middle Ground” Requires public conformity to the English Church, no regulation of private religion Close to Lutheranism Some Catholic practices






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