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Welcome to the Library/Media Center!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Library/Media Center!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Library/Media Center!
Dunbar Township Elementary

2 Four Simple Rules Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Kind
Be Ready to Read, Create and Think!

3 Rule 1: Be Respectful Do not damage library books!
If Mrs. Saveikis or another adult is speaking, hand you are not! Raise your when you have a question Keep hands and feet to yourself

4 Rule 2: Be Responsible Follow all classroom rules:
Walking feet at all time Follow teacher instructions Use inside voices Take care of library books and Makerspace supplies Be safe!

5 Rule 3: Be Kind Use kind words when speaking to others.
Lend a helping hand when someone is in need.

6 Rule 4: Be Ready to Read, Create & Think
You will be given the chance to READ a lot of great books this year! Be ready to work with others during Makerspace and STEM activities. Be ready to THINK when you walk into the library!

7 Entering the library Walk in quietly. Remain in the line.
Scan in your books at the circulation desk with Mrs. Rockwell Sit down at tables in the order you came in line.

8 Leaving the Library The quietest table will get to line up first.
Push in chairs. Clean up table. Wait to be called. WALK to the door to lign up. Please wait quietly in line

9 Library Books We take good care of our books here at DT Elementary.
First & second graders check out ONE book, and 3,4, & 5 graders check out TWO books! If your books are lost or damaged, the student and his or her family is responsible for paying for the book.

10 Birthday Book Club There is a new way to celebrate your birthday here at DT Elementary! You can purchase a book for our library. Parents can fill out a form and send in $15. You get to pick out the subject of the book and get a special card placed in the book with your name and birthday. You get to be the FIRST PERSON to check out the book!

11 A Makerspace is a place where we can gather to create, invent, tinker, explore, and discover using a variety of tools and materials. We will take part in hands-on activities that will encourage you to inquire, collaborate, solve problems, explore, think critically and innovate! Please clean up all Makerspace materials!! We will need to share and work well as a team!

12 Keep it Neat Everything in the library has a special place.
Please don’t put books back in the wrong place. If you don’t know where it goes, put it on the return cart. All Makerspace materials must be put away correctly in its proper place.

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