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ck_Cause Major causes of a heart attack The major cause of a heart attack is Coronary.

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Presentation on theme: "ck_Cause Major causes of a heart attack The major cause of a heart attack is Coronary."— Presentation transcript:

1`lth/dci/Diseases/HeartAttack/HeartAtta ck_Cause Major causes of a heart attack The major cause of a heart attack is Coronary Artery Disease(CAD). Causes of CAD are unhealthy diet and lack of exercise.

2 Impact of a heart attack on the patient Heart attacks can result in death and often times do. If the patient survives certain steps must be taken to prevent another heart attack such as quitting smoking and eating healthier. artAttack/HeartAttack_LivingWith.html

3 A Heart Attack at the cellular level When an artery becomes blocked by a build up of fatty deposits (plaque), blood flow is cut off to certain parts of the heart, causing the heart to stop working properly. Fri Sep 26 14:19:51 2008, stroke:causes, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, :// d4303.html National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, USA. 2/11/09Heart Attack.http://www.web- eartAttack.gif

4 Treatment for Heart Attack If someone has had a heart attack it is important to restore blood flow to the muscle so it does not die. To prevent- eat a healthy diet, low fat, low sodium, exercise Drugs used- heparin thins the blood so it does not clot Heart attack, initial treatment, 1998-2009, ack/treatment.shtml How stuff works, 2/11/09, exercise in depth, depth.htm

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