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Learning from others' experiences: the debates around the public access to documents in electronic format at the National Archives of Romania Alina PAVELESCU.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning from others' experiences: the debates around the public access to documents in electronic format at the National Archives of Romania Alina PAVELESCU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning from others' experiences: the debates around the public access to documents in electronic format at the National Archives of Romania Alina PAVELESCU

2 A very short history – understanding the difficult starting point of 2007
70’s evolutions – a different paradigm of the “public access” and its consequences on the archival work Stagnation and regress in the ’80s and ‘90s – the critical point of the Romanian archival science

3 Present situation archival legislation in Romania
legislation concerning electronic records management in Romania National Archives of Romania -first steps to a new phase

4 New project. New beginning?
The project: An integrating system for managing information and public services at the National Archives

5 Project specifications: what’s new for the Romanian Archives

6 Functional architecture of the system

7 What we expect to solve.

8 Managerial challenges
Implementing new procedures: the question of the archival standards at the Romanian Archives Rethinking specific activities – where to start? how to proceed? The human factor – training people for the new challenges A new public approach: how to gain new public and to preserve the traditional one?

9 Professional challenges
changing mentalities about profession incorporating new skills redefining the public image of the profession

10 A conclusion Romanian National Archives – the change of professional paradigm as a must Need of competencies – need of professional communication Learning from others’ experiences - Starting later is not the worst position

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