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Gweithgor Arfer Dda: 28/09/07

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1 Gweithgor Arfer Dda: 28/09/07
Assessment: Formative and Summative Connecting the Jigsaw

2 Rhaglen Sesiwn 1 – MR /ED osod cyd-destun (Crynodol a Ffurfiannol – Datblygu AagD ac Asesiad Athro) Coffi Sesiwn 2 – Rhannu arferion da/gwybodaeth AagD Cinio Sesiwn 3 – DM, Hunan Asesu ac Asesu Cyfoedion Sesiwn 4 – SE, Asesu Cynradd-Uwchradd

3 AA CA3 - Ble ‘da chi arni? KS3 TA – where are you?
Wedi cymeryd rhan y flwyddyn gyntaf a’r ail (craidd). Rhai adrannau wedi eu ‘achredu’ eraill angen ail gyflwyno tystiolaeth o un lefel neu fwy. Wedi cymeryd rhan yr ail flwyddyn (craidd). Rhai adrannau wedi eu ‘achredu’ eraill angen ail gyflwyno tystiolaeth o un lefel neu fwy. Ddim wedi cymeryd rhan yn y peilot eto – angen sicrhau bod adrannau craidd yn cymeryd rhan yn y 3ydd cylch. Adrannau craidd ac allgraidd/sylfaen wedi cymeryd rhan yn y peilot - angen adeiladu ar hyn, agweddau i’w ail gyflwyno Opportunity to question MR + the team regarding the current processes and key aspects to consider both for first presentation and re-submission. Positive feedback from the foundation subjects pilots. There are issues within core skills – some of them are to do with the accuracy of level assessments, other issues are to do with the transparency of the assessment – is the evidence sufficient / are teacher comments level specific / is all the information needed to complete the moderation process included. Key messages – the evidence, particularly for re-submission – needs to be

4 Dyddiadau Allweddol / Key Dates
18fed Hydref – Cyfarfod Gwybodaeth Rhanbarthol CBAC, Llandudno [am Saesneg/Mathemateg; pm Cymraeg/Gwyddoniaeth] – agored i bawb Ail-gyflwyno 8fed o Chwefror (pecyn gweinyddol – Rhagfyr; 14eg Fawrth – adroddiadau) Tro 1af – craidd 7fed Fawrth – pecyn gweinyddol 11eg Ebrill – anfon portffolio pwnc 13eg Mehefin – adroddiadau 18th October – WJEC Regional Information Meeting, Llandudno Resubmission 8th February (December admin pack; 14th March – reports) 1st time - core 7th March admin pack 11th April - portfolio submission 13th June - moderation reports

5 Asesiad Athro / Teacher Assessment Tracio Mewnol / Internal Tracking
Datblygu AagD / Developing AfL Switch to MR ppt – then come back to this page for 2nd half of first session. Trying to piece the jigsaw - we’ve been concerned + feedback from group about keeping the focus on AfL in light of continued pressure (LEA? SMT?) on data collection and analysis even with the changing nature of KS2 and KS3 Assessment arrangements and the 2008 Curriculum with its foundation of AfL and developing Thinking. We know from research, particularly the work of AAIA, The Assessment Reform Group, and WAG/ACCAC + APADGOS that the real key to improving standards at KS2 and KS3 lies in helping pupils reflect on and improve their own performance. For this to happen we have to continue to place a focus on developing AfL in the classroom + keep it as a priority. It is a national priority and a local priority and we know from working with you that it continues to be one of your priorities. But it is having to be developed in a climate where we are still having to look at summative assessment (GwyCh / KS3 Assessment results / progress from KS2 / progress to KS4). We need therefore to be able to Asesiad Athro / Teacher Assessment Tracio Mewnol / Internal Tracking

6 Tasg: Defnyddiwch y daflen i roi trefn ar y dyfyniadau gan TURh (melyn), Athrawon pwnc (aqua) a Disgyblion (glas). Use the handout to organise the statements from SMT (yellow), Subject Teachers (turquoise) and Pupils (blue). Oes yna unrhyw ddyfyniad sy’n peri pryder neu’n canu cloch? Do any of the statements strike you as significant or worry you? Task: 3 sets in English / 7 sets in Welsh. In pairs/groups of three (max 10 groups – depends on number there). The statements should include alarm bells and relate to MR’s presentation on Teacher Assessment and use of Level descriptors. Time to discuss the statements as they organise them onto the AAIA document (double-sided photocopy for everybody). Feedback – any alarm bells ringing about any of the statements? Any statements that the group were in agreement with. Move on to unpicking by asking key questions.


8 Cwestiynau i’w ystyried (Key Questions):
All disgrifiadau lefel mewn iaith y disgybl a/neu ysgol lefel fod o gymorth i ddisgyblion wrth ddatblygu AagD? Do pupil friendly level descriptors and/or level ladders help develop AfL? Cyfle i drafod a cael adborth cyn rhoi y sleid nesaf i fyny a gofyn am ymateb iddo – ydy nhw yn cytuno? Ydy hyny yn cydfynd efo’u profiadau nhw? Cf nol i cyflwyniad MR. Reinforce party line


10 Asesu ar gyfer Dysgu a Lefelau y CC:
A good understanding of the National Curriculum level descriptions (and, where available, teaching objectives in subject frameworks) helped teachers plan for progression.  However, for some teachers, producing 'pupil friendly' level descriptors became an obstacle to developing AfL because these were thought to provide appropriate success criteria for pupils in lessons but were, in reality, too broad to help them identify 'next steps'.  Level descriptors are intended to describe progress over the longer term.  Pupils also need more finely graded success criteria specifically related to the lesson objectives, which will help them evaluate the quality of their work and improve it." DfES ‘AfL 8 Schools Project Report’ Cyflwyno deunyddiau diweddaraf AfL y DfES – arfarnu prosiect dros amser (hyd at 2 flynedd) efo ysgolion penodol i ddatblygu AagD – debyg i ni (fel grwp + rheini sydd wedi datblygu ymhellach fel ysgolion unigol neu fel rhan o prosiect meddwl a datblygu AagD lleol). Copi papur o’r llyfryn + key appendix – copi electronig i ddod ar y CD dilynol.

11 Messages from the project:
Identifying independent learners: Pupils who are clear about what they are trying to learn in lessons (and why), how they can demonstrate success and evaluate quality Pupils who are gaining skills and confidence in whole class dialogue and in group and paired discussion Pupils who are developing a language for learning so that they are increasingly able to articulate and discuss how they learn and what helps their learning Pupils who can respond to feedback and improve their work during lessons How close are we to this?

12 Teaching for AfL: Shared understanding of AfL and how it impacts on learning and on standards A good understanding of the progression in the key concepts and skills in the subject they are teaching (beyond NC level descriptions) Moving from ‘planning for teaching’ to ‘planning for learning’ Providing opportunities for pupils to learn through supported questioning and dialogue (whole class, group or paired) Providing better feedback which identifies pupils’ next steps and providing opportunities in lessons to respond to feedback

13 The link between learning objectives and success criteria:
Support planning (teaching) Provide the Big Picture Success criteria Supports the learning Provides the steps to get there Provides the focus for feedback – teacher, pupil, peer

14 Asesiad Athro CA3 a AagD: Teacher Assessment at KS3 and AfL
Oes yna gyswllt rhwng disgrifiadau lefel a MPLL? Is there a link between level descriptors and success criteria? Beth am is-lefelau – ydy rheini yn gymorth i ddisgyblion? What about sub-levels – are they of use to pupils? Cyfle i trafod + adborth.

15 Ydy hyn yn helpu ni i roi sylw priodol / gwahanu’r agweddau?

16 Sbardun meddwl? Food For Thought?:
Sometimes blame is placed on having to cover ‘so much stuff’ … the real issue is how the content is packaged and presented within a concepts and skills framework to help them make links and assimilate the content. This is about helping pupils put the jigsaw together rather than just keep giving them the pieces with a view that they have repeatedly been given everything they need to know.

17 AagD Arfarnu datblygiad AfL Evaluating progress:
Ble ‘da ni? (sut ‘da ni’n gwybod?) Where are we now? (how do we know?) Ble ‘da ni eisiau cyrraedd? Where do we want to get to? Beth yw ein camau nesaf? What are our next steps? Grid – link to Ymweliad 1 – this is an aspect which you’ve been developing for some time – important to measure progress. Might be useful to think of it in terms of SMT / effective practitioners / and cynics – where is each group at?

18 Polisi AagD (AfL Policy):
Beth sydd angen ei ystyried wrth rhoi’r ffurfiannol wrth ochr y crynodol? (addasu’r polisi) What needs to be considered in looking at formative assessment alongside summative? (reviewing the policy) Internal monitoring, tracking and reporting systems End of Key Stage Teacher Assessment AagD o ddydd i ddydd

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