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Networked Leadership Stevie Johnston.

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1 Networked Leadership Stevie Johnston

2 Leadership - What needs to happen
We need to take a range of actions – planning, resourcing, training and support to develop sector leadership at all levels and to enable a renewed and more resilient sector. Organisations need supported to develop and implement strategies and actions around succession for our leadership to be fit for the future Leadership development must encompass roles for beneficiaries and volunteers – we need to develop our activist leaders from the bottom up We need to consider and develop mechanisms to bring our thinking and action to old and new problems alike and develop our roles of thought leadership

3 Networked Leadership Our future impact and success will require leaders and leadership skills capable of leading networks and networked organisations this will take specific investment and support.

4 “Networks, not organisations, are the unit of change.” Andrew Zolli 

5 Why Networks for Social Change?

6 Organisations can only take us so far; we need to align work at greater scales.
The scale of complex systems we are working to change is much larger than one organisation Problems are interdependent (e.g., education, health, poverty,) Why reinvent the wheel? Peer learning and sharing speeds progress.

7 Network Leadership Adaptability instead of control
Contributions before credentials Beyond rock stardom Diversity and divergence Permission/perfection to self organisation/emergence Focus beyond the center to “periphery as norm”

8 Attributes of the Networked Leader
Networked Leadership Collaborative Receptive & Flexible Strategic

9 “Most of the barriers to group action have collapsed and without those barriers we are free to explore new ways of gathering together and getting things done.” Clay Shirky


11 Your Networks What are some of the networks you are a part of and/or developing?

12 Practice, Practice, Practice Connect people you know
(make triangles) Share your story Share ideas Join the conversation Credit: Natural Step On Line

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