What is Irony?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Irony?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Irony?

2 Irony The difference between appearance and reality

3 Situational Irony Occurs when a situation turns out to be the opposite of what you thought it would be. Example: The teacher’s daughter is a high school drop out. The police officer gets a ticket for speeding. The chef won’t eat his/her own cooking. The barber always needs a hair cut himself.

4 Situational Irony continued…
Rock trio ZZ Top is famously associated with the chest- length beards of guitarist Billy Gibbons and bassist Dusty Hill. The group's drummer, who only has a mustache, happens to be named Frank Beard. Arnold Schwarzenegger, an actor famous for his violence in film, campaigning against violence in video games in general - which ironically includes those featuring his own characters.

5 Situational Irony

6 Situational Irony ch?v=LKQXTsXoHlQ

7 Situational Irony

8 Situational Irony

9 Verbal Irony The simplest kind of irony. You use it everyday when you say one thing and really mean another. It is often similar to a sarcastic response. Ex: Positive connotations- “My, you’ve certainly made a mess of things!” could be said to a hostess who presents a spectacular dish prepared with obvious care and skill. Ex: Negative connotations- Sarcasm. “Go ahead and keep sleeping during class, why don’t you?” Does the teacher really mean it?

10 Verbal irony continued…

11 Verbal Irony ch?v=UBztjzDr0fM&list=PLQckwr WIuVO502KJ_NH1J4B0Knz_fNyN 9 ch?v=- qzeflmJvEU&list=PLQckwrWIuV O502KJ_NH1J4B0Knz_fNyN9&in dex=7

12 Verbal Irony

13 Dramatic Irony Occurs when the audience knows something that the characters in the story, on the screen, or on the stage do not know. This is used to engage the audience and keep them actively involved in the storyline.

14 Dramatic Irony

15 Dramatic Irony

16 Dramatic Irony

17 Dramatic Irony


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