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Objectives Participants will be able to:

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2 Objectives Participants will be able to:
Identify effective teaching strategies to maximize learning & retention and motivate learners Apply the strategies to promote active learning in the classroom

3 Effective Teaching Strategies
Classroom Discussion Formative Assessment Cooperative Learning Clarity 1st Quadrant: What do you want to accomplish at the end of the BDE Summer Training session

4 Strategies for Classroom Discussions
Philosophical Chairs (This or That) Basic Structure: A statement that has two possible responses—agree or disagree—is read out loud. Depending on whether they agree or disagree with this statement, students move to one side of the room or the other. From that spot, students take turns defending their positions. 1st Quadrant: What do you want to accomplish at the end of the BDE Summer Training session

5 Philosophical Chairs

6 Strategies for Classroom Discussions
The Gallery Walk Basic Structure: Stations or posters are set up around the classroom, on the walls or on tables. Small groups of students travel from station to station together, performing some kind of task or responding to a prompt, either of which will result in a conversation. 1st Quadrant: What do you want to accomplish at the end of the BDE Summer Training session

7 Gallery Walk

8 Collaborative Learning
Think-Pair-Share (TPS) is a collaborative learning strategy in which students work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. This technique requires students to (1) think individually about a topic or answer to a question; and (2) share ideas with classmates.

9 Think-Pair-Share

10 Formative Assessment

11 Clarity

12 Effective Teaching Effective teachers have the knowledge, skills, and commitments that ensure equitable learning opportunities and growth for all students. They facilitate mastery of content and skill development, and identify and employ appropriate strategies for students who are not achieving mastery. Effective teachers also develop in students the skills, interests and abilities necessary to be lifelong learners, as well as skills needed for democratic and civic participation. Because effective teachers understand that the work of ensuring meaningful learning opportunities for all students cannot happen in isolation, they engage in collaboration, continuous reflection, on-going learning and leadership within the profession

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