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Code of solidarity Pinella Bombaci ECC BPW Europe Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "Code of solidarity Pinella Bombaci ECC BPW Europe Secretary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Code of solidarity Pinella Bombaci ECC BPW Europe Secretary

2 Say NO to negative thoughts and jealousy

3 Be proactive take the first step

4 Speak up when women are put down

5 Help uncover women’s hidden potential

6 Always play fair

7 Be objective , don’t get personal

8 Be objective , don’t get personal
Me Me me me me me me

9 Support other women whenever possible

10 Praise openly and unsparingly

11 ….BPW Europe doesn't exist without Pinella !!!

12 .. BPW Europe doesn't exist without all of you !!!

13 making a true difference through
Leadership and Action !

14 Recommended items

15 Comfortable shoes …. to run to the left and to the right!

16 A raincoat …. so evil can slide off us!

17 Black glasses …so we cannot see bad things
Black glasses …so we cannot see bad things ... and we can sleep during boring conferences !

18 Members and other women !
A big heart …… to love our Members and other women !

19 To become a Super Woman

20 …Thank you from your tireless Secretary

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