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How does this lead to the Cold War?

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1 How does this lead to the Cold War?
What historical interactions fueled distrust between the Soviets & Americans? How does this lead to the Cold War?

2 The Failure of Potsdam, July 1945
No promise of free elections in eastern Europe Truman left convinced Stalin was “planning world conquest”

3 Important Gains for the Western Allies in the Postwar World
Bretton Woods (1944) IMF World Bank United Nations (f. 1945) Security Council (11) & Assembly Headquarters: NYC Successes: Israel, UNESCO, FAO, WHO Failure: Atomic Regulation

4 Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” Speech (March 5, 1946)
"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent."

5 The problem of Germany & the division of Berlin

6 The Cold War [1945-1991]: An Ideological Struggle
Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations [“Iron Curtain”] US & the Western Democracies GOAL  “Containment” of Communism & the eventual collapse of the Communist world. [George Kennan] GOAL  spread world-wide Communism METHODOLOGIES: Espionage [KGB vs. CIA – National Security Act] Arms Race [nuclear escalation] Ideological Competition for the minds and hearts of Third World peoples [Communist govt. & command economy vs. democratic govt. & capitalist economy]  “proxy wars” Bi-Polarization of Europe [NATO vs. Warsaw Pact]

7 Cold War Nuclear Arsenals

8 The Bipolarization of Europe

9 George Kennan [“X Article”]: CONTAINMENT (1947) Goals Means Actual Application
Restoration of the balance of power Encouragement of self-confidence in nations threatened by Soviet expansion. Long-term program of U.S. economic assistance [Marshall Plan ] itself from USSR (denounced because it was undemocratic) Reduction of Soviet ability to project outside power. Exploitation of tensions in international communism. Cooperation with communist regimes; [supporting Titoism in Yugoslavia]

10 George Kennan [“X Article”]: CONTAINMENT Goals Means Actual Application
Modification of the Soviet concept of international relations. Negotiating settlement of outstanding differences. Using “carrots & sticks”; create economic incentives and engage in negotiations to modify Soviet behavior around the globe.

11 The Truman Doctrine (March 1947)
Speech to Congress pledging American support to "free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures".

12 Containment in Europe: Success?
Marshall Plan, 1948 Support of “Titoism” in Yugoslavia Berlin Airlift (June 1948-May 1949)

13 Containment in Asia: Failure
Chinese Civil War ( ) Nationalists (Jiang Jieshi) Communists (Mao Zedong) Korean War ( ) Vietnam ( )

14 NSC-68: Defense Spending Hike
April 1950 Vigorous pursuit of Containment policy. Quadruple defense spending: conventional forces & nuclear buildup Form alliances with non-Communist countries & provide aid. Convince American public to support a costly arms buildup Outbreak of Korean War in June 1950 prompted Truman to make this policy by September. NSC-68

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