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Last week we had an amazing time where we prepared sandwiches for all the learners and after handing them out we put on a show – here are some pics that.

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Presentation on theme: "Last week we had an amazing time where we prepared sandwiches for all the learners and after handing them out we put on a show – here are some pics that."— Presentation transcript:


2 Last week we had an amazing time where we prepared sandwiches for all the learners and after handing them out we put on a show – here are some pics that we took set to music. Enjoy!

3 We set up in the main school quadrangle – put up speakers and microphones linked to an amplifier.

4 We set up tables on which the sandwiches were placed
We set up tables on which the sandwiches were placed. We secured sponsorships from local butchers for the meat for the sandwiches.









13 We had some impromptu dancing before the main show started.

14 These young guys are a house dance crew who entertained the crowd for about 5 minutes.



17 Some of the members of Inspired sang for the crowd.



20 Mtha did a rap and a singing comedy routine.

21 One of the igniteYOUTH girls sang a song – Superhero – a contemporary pop song.

22 So that was the Inspired Sandwich Show – well done to all of you who made it such a great success.

23 I remember some time back, my wife and I wandered into a bowling club in a town where we lived and because we were young and in our 30s, not one even greeted us, or tried to sell us membership to the club. It was obvious that we did not fit the profile and did not belong in the club. Needless to say we have never been back into a bowling club. What if the church was like that! What if Inspired was like that! What a shame that would be.

24 The church is the only organisation that exists for it’s non-members!
Someone said that the church is the only organisation that exists for it’s non-members! Our church must focus on people who are not yet members and ensure that it is a friendly and welcoming place – and that visitors feel welcome. Inspired (our SCA group) should equally be a place where non-Churched teens feel welcome and they don’t encounter cliques when they visit. The church is the only organisation that exists for it’s non-members!

25 You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden
You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16) Jesus challenged his followers to be the light of the world – to be like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. We must do our good deeds in front of people so they see them and give glory to God!

26 Watch this video clip that shows the difference between two ways of thinking about how we are supposed to live as believers. Note: You need to download this video from the School page at The video is names: Week15.mpg.

27 Do you remember the vision? It is all about Jesus!

28 Slaves to the hurting, the dirty and the dying.
There is a phrase that is relevant to our discussion today: we are called to be “slaves to the hurting, the dirty and the dying”. Who are these people in our school? In our community? Who are they?

29 Here is a picture taken during the Sandwich show – I am sure that many of these teenagers are actually hurting beneath their coolexterious. Maybe they are hurting inside and need a Saviour. Many of them may feel dirty – maybe they have done things that they are ashamed of.

30 What is inspired willing to do?
What are we going to do as a group of Christ-followers? What is inspired willing to do?

31 Whatever it takes they will give
The Vision challenges us to do whatever it takes!

32 AND We come to Inspired to learn, to receive and to grow…
We reach out to serve and influence the world for Jesus. We come to Inspired to learn, to receive and to grow…AND…We reach out to serve and influence the world for Jesus. We will have times when we learn and grow together but on regular occasions we are going to reach out to learners in this school – to show them Jesus and to tell them about all that Jesus has done for them.

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