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Partenariato multilaterale Comenius

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Presentation on theme: "Partenariato multilaterale Comenius"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partenariato multilaterale Comenius
“School without violence” A. S

2 Accompagnatori: Alfieri Maddalena, Rizzuto Antonella
Scuola media statale “Gregorio Russo” Palermo - Italia Alunni: Cappello Calogero,Lionetti Monica, Magnasco Katia, Magnasco Salvatore, Ocello Erika, Randi Domenico, Seidita Matteo Salvatore, Wahbi Nadia Accompagnatori: Alfieri Maddalena, Rizzuto Antonella


Dear student,think about the fact that you didn’t choose your teacher or mates and they didn’t choose you: you must respect and be kind either to nice or to nasty kids, and live together in the class for a long time, maybe years, and for doing it well each students needs to follow a few simple rules.

5 1. Realise that you live half of your day at school, so try to respect the class as if it were your room:don't break any school object, turn out maps or posters, don't litter or leave a mess, but keep your class clean and tidy as more as you can

6 2. Be responsible for the environment: turn out lights and fens when leaving the class!

7 3. Be kind and respectful with the school caretakers: don't make them nervous with  nasty requests

8 4. Do your best to keep all unpleasant noises down : no tapping on the desk with pens, no pulling of the chairs, no shouting in the corridors, no running on the stairs at the end of the school day - always behave properly - teachers won't get nervous and that's convenient for everybody!

9 5. During class raise your hand quietly if you want to ask something: Shouting 'teacher, teacher' will not help you nor the class to understand better  the contents you are studying

10 It’s very important not becoming part of a bully's group without noticing so:

11 and not because you're afraid of him.
6. Choose to be friend with a school mate only if you feel conformable with him and not because you're afraid of him.

12 Spend your time with respectful and quiet people
7. Spend your time with respectful and quiet people

13 8. Say 'no' and take your distance from guys teasing or hurting their mates : just staying in their group makes you an accomplice, even if you don't like what they do.

14 9. Remember that the bully needs to have an audience, that is a group of mates doing what he wants them to do and that show to like being nasty - this is not real friendship, they do it because they are scared or too shy to say no - if a bully is alone he can hurt much less.

15 10. Don’t be afraid to speak, remember that if you tell about an episode you are not a spy but a brave person defending him self or a friend in trouble. If an attack has been made constantly,talk with an adult,for instance a teacher who knows both the victim and the bully.

16 Thank you for your attention

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