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Start a Movement! Intro to Leadership CS 306 Lesson.

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1 Start a Movement! Intro to Leadership CS 306 Lesson

2 Learning Target I can make connections to how relationships and influence (leadership) relate to starting a movement. Truth or Dare. reflect on the most recent dare. What did you think of the dare? Did you complete it? How did it go? What are we grateful for today? In addition to the NEW character dare, what other dare can you challenge yourself to work on this week? Why did you choose that dare?




6 Zen Counting Start by having students sitting at their desks or standing in a circle around the outside of the classroom. Say, “Without any discussion, your job is to count to 20 or higher if accomplished, without creating any type of pattern, without indicating who should go next, or without simply going around the circle.” After 6-8 minutes, start a class debrief.

7 Zen Counting Was this activity easy to accomplish? Why or why not?
Did the intentional focus on listening over our active listening lessons help you at all in doing this activity? Why or why not? Have students answer questions in their journals, then share with their small group and then their class.

8 It only takes one person to start a movement.
The Dancing Man It only takes one person to start a movement.


10 Dancing Man: What influence techniques were used by the dancing guy to start the movement? What did it take for the 2nd person to follow? Why was the first follower so important? Do you believe that the same leadership principles needed for this movement to happen, connect to any movement starting? Why or why not? Give students time to reflect in their journals. Then share as a class.


12 How did people first respond to the man holding the Free Hugs sign?
Predict what would happen if the old lady would not have stopped and given him a hug. In relationships, trust is always an important character trait that people identify as important to have in their leader, friend, co-worker, or any relationship they engage with. How did the leader of the free hugs movement in this video build trust? What sacrifices did this leader have to make in order for this movement to happen? Give students time to answer these questions. Then have them find a partner to share their answers. Round 1: questions 1 and 2 Round 2: questions 3 and 4 Share out as a class.

13 How to Start to Movement
With your table group: Make a list of a list of 5-10 steps that describe what you have learned from today’s lesson and previous lessons about influence and the importance of building relationships in leadership. Students might have ideas about Movements they want to start- make a list on the board.

14 The American author and architect R. Buckminster Fuller once said,
Final Thoughts The American author and architect R. Buckminster Fuller once said, ‘You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.’ Reflect on this question for next class: What is a model or system in our school or community that you want to change for the better?

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