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Day 1: Course Introduction
Nagendra Vemulapalli August 20, 2012 Put in your own name and address. Correct the starting date.
Are you sure you’re in the right room?
This is CS101 Section 09. Monday/Wednesday 12:30pm-1:20pm 206 Armstrong Hall Instructor: Nagendra Vemulapalli CS101 Section 10 also meets at this time. 219 Armstrong Hall Instructor: Navya Thum Please make sure that you are in the correct classroom. You need to attend the right section.
Your Instructor: Nagendra vemulapalli
Contact Information Website: Office: 210N Armstrong Hall Phone: (304) x2243 Office Hours: Monday’s from 3:30pm to 5:30pm in Open Lab (219 Armstrong Hall). me if you plan to meet in other timings. Customize information about instructor.
Your Proctor Shawna Fitzwater
Proctors are student assistants who have previously taken CS101 and done well in the course. The proctor is there to help answer your questions. Don’t be afraid to raise your hand for help! Add information about your proctor (if you have one) or delete this slide.
About the Course CS101’s goal is to teach data management and data analysis, problem solving, and critical thinking skills. You’ll learn how to use Microsoft Office to solve problems in a scientific or analysis-oriented context. You will also learn skills that will be useful in your future classes and in most jobs. CS101 is a 4-credit hour GEC-listed course. 2 hours in lecture (twice-weekly 50-minute lectures) 2 hours from out-of-class work (primarily MyITLab)
Course Policies and Schedule
A full course schedule is available at The course syllabus is available at Make sure that you read and are familiar with both the schedule and syllabus. You are responsible for following both. Correct URL to your syllabus.
Website and E-mail The main CS101 website is at:
The website for your section is at: A lot of important info will be made available on the website and through MIX . It’s your responsibility to be aware of all provided information. If you receive an requesting a reply, please respond in a timely fashion. If you any CS 101 staff, send it from your MIX address so we can confirm who you are. Correct URL to your website.
Twitter and Facebook, Too!
To keep track of CS101 happenings, follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Get reminders of due dates, exams, tips and other information.
What You Need to Have: Textbook
Microsoft Office 2010, Second Custom Edition This is a custom version made specifically for CS101. Available in bundle at WVU Bookstore, Book Exchange, or directly from publisher.
What You Need to Have: Supplemental Content
Supplemental Content for Microsoft Office 2010 Covers additional material not in the main textbook. Available for free on the CS101 website.
What You Need to Have: Software
MyITLab Office 2010 Professional If you are a new student, you’ll need a new license (included in the CS101 bundle). If you are a returning student, you do not need to purchase a new license. To buy a standalone copy of MyITLab, follow link at Windows version includes Access, Excel, Word and PowerPoint. Office 2010 is also available in OIT/AIS and WVU Libraries labs on campus. Office 2007 will also work. Access can also be downloaded for free through WVU CSEE. Office for Mac does not include Microsoft Access.
What You Need to Have: USB Flash Drive
It’s important that you have a USB flash drive to take your work with you from the classroom or lab. This is not a suggestion: it’s a requirement. You can buy basic a flash drive for as low as $5 at stores such as Walmart, Target, and TJ Maxx. Don’t share drives with others! If something happens to your file (like if it is lost or stolen), you’ll be held responsible for it.
Why can’t I just e-mail my files to myself?
Some students try to avoid buying a flash drive by ing partially completed work to themselves. They think they will download it later and continue working without any problems. Most students who try this open the file directly from the rather than downloading a copy. If you do that, the file is treated as “temporary.” Any work you do in it will be permanently erased once you close Microsoft Office, even if you think you saved it! Avoid this risk by always having your flash drive ready to use.
Grades: Overview Assignment Points Each Total Points Homeworks 6 at 60
360 Exams #1 and #2 2 at 100 200 Final Exam 150 MyITLab Base 190 at 1.526 290 Total 1,000
Grades: Bonus Points Opportunity Points Each Total Points
Attendance Bonus 25 classes at 1.25 each 30 Participation Bonus Varies 20 MyITLab Bonus 10 Total Bonus 60 Correct the attendance bonus points-per-day for each section. See syllabus for the correct information.
Grades: Grading Scheme
Grade Letter Point Value A 900 or more B C D F 599 or fewer Grades are not curved. What you earn is what you get. You can view your grades at
Assignments: Homework Projects
There will be 6 homework projects. 3 on Excel 2 on Access 1 cumulative multi-part Problem Solving project The assignments are designed to test and build your skills with using Office for data analysis. 20% of the grade for each project comes from short answer data analysis questions. Late homeworks have a 20% per day penalty, calculated based on your final score.
Assignments: Exams There will be 2 regular exams plus a final exam.
Exam #1 is on Excel Exam #2 is on Access Final Exam is comprehensive The exam projects directly build on the homeworks. If you do well on the homeworks, you’ll do well on the exams. There will usually be an exam review during the week before an exam. Take advantage of this if you are struggling with some of the topics.
Assignments: MyITLab MyITLab is a computer-based training system that simulates Microsoft Office and asks you to complete a variety of tasks to show your proficiency with the software. There are 5 due dates throughout the semester for MyITLab Lessons A through E. Each lesson includes multiple chapters. You must complete all chapters! You may start working on them as early in the semester as you wish, if you would like a head start. You can install MyITLab on your home computer, but the safest way to avoid any problems is to use it in CS101 Open Lab, WVU Libraries, or OIT/AIS public labs.
Assignments: MyITLab Grading and Tips
You can complete any chapters you didn’t finish on time through Monday of Dead Week for half credit. You must answer 190 questions correctly during the semester to get full credit. (They are points each, which gives you a total of 290 points.) You will actually be asked more than 210 questions. This allows you to skip confusing or buggy questions and still get full credit for the semester, as long as you answer at least 190 of them. If you answer more than 190, you will roll into bonus points. You can answer up to 200 questions and get 10 bonus points for the extra 10 questions you answered.
Bonus Opportunities: Attendance Bonus
Attendance is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended. Students who do poorly in the course are usually the students with the most absences. Bonus points will be rewarded for each day you attend class. It is roughly 1.25 points per day. This adds up to an extra 3% on your final grade! You must sign-in during the scheduled class time at to get credit. There are no excused absences – if you’re not here for any reason, you don’t get bonus points. If you encounter an error, it’s your responsibility to notify your instructor immediately. If you don’t, you may not be able to get the bonus points for the day.
Bonus Opportunities: Participation Bonus
Throughout the semester, there will some opportunities for you to receive bonus points for in-class participation. You must be present to receive these points. No makeups will be given if you are not present. Altogether, 20 points of participation bonus credit are available. Bonus points may be given for any in-class activities your instructor sees fit to reward and will probably be unannounced and unscheduled.
Academic Integrity Academic integrity is very important to CS101.
You must read and understand the syllabus statements on academic integrity completely. Not knowing is not an excuse. You must sign the Policy Acknowledgment Form, period. Penalties can be severe. 1st Time: You lose 100 points total. That’s a letter grade. 2nd Time: You fail the course for the semester. If you are caught, do not expect to get out of punishment by making up an excuse.
Academic Integrity: Key Points
Don’t work with other people. Homeworks are not group projects. Don’t share files with others, even if they claim they just want to “look” at them. Don’t leave your files on a public computer or anywhere else someone could take them. Even if you don’t know somebody stole your work, you are still held accountable for your negligence. Keep your work only on your flash drive or your password-protected computer at home. Don’t reuse files, even blank ones, because they may contain hidden details that refer to the original person who made the file.
Academic Integrity: Key Points
If you cheat, you will get caught. Every semester, 5% of students cheat. Every semester, 5% of students get the penalties. Every semester, about a dozen students try to cheat twice. They are failed, period. We will notice if you cheat and we will act accordingly. This class is not hard enough to bother with the risks of cheating. Learn the material, do the work, and you will be fine.
Academic integrity: Policy Acknowledgment
Before you can get credit for any of your work, you must sign the CS101 Policy Acknowledgement Form. By signing this form, you certify you understand and will follow CS101 policies. If you have questions, ask before signing. If you think anything you are doing may be questionable, you probably shouldn’t do it.
Open Lab Open Lab is a place for you to get help with your CS101 homework assignments. Open Lab is held in 219 Armstrong Hall weekdays. Hours are at posted on the door and at Start early on your assignments. Open Lab is very busy near homework due dates. Don’t be surprised if you have to stand in line for help if you show up the day something is due. We do not provide assistance with MyITLab. We also won’t do your work for you. Staff may refuse you help if you are not putting in your effort.
Disability Accommodations
If you have a disability, you may be entitled to special accommodations. Accommodations are granted by the Office of Disability Services. We can’t grant accommodations without their authorization. We need to receive notice of authorized accommodations at least one week before we are to provide them (like for an exam).
Important Upcoming Dates
Upcoming deadlines and due dates. MyITLab Lesson A due September 4, 2012 Homework 1 due September 14, 2012 List important upcoming deadlines and due dates.
Things to Do: Activate MyID
WVU MyID is used for logging into CS101 computers and on our website. If you haven’t done so already, you need to activate your MyID. Instructions are at Call OIT Help Desk at (304) or go to Open Lab if you need help with MasterID. If you don’t have a MyID by next week, you won’t be able to register your attendance!
Things to Do: Register for MyITLab
Try to register for MyITLab once we announce it is ready for the new semester. If you try to register early, it may not work, so wait for your instructor to notify you. Follow the instructions at If you don’t follow the directions in the video, you might not get credit for your work. If you have questions, go to Open Lab.
Things to Do: Register for MyITLab
VERY IMPORTANT STEP FOR MYITLAB Follow the step for adding your student ID to your MyITLab profile. More than half of students every semester ignore this step or do it wrong. Do not use your 700 number. Use your MyID username. For example, jdoe41. If you do not do this step, then when the MyITLab company sends us grades, we won’t be able to match you up in our records and you won’t receive any credit at all.
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