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Ricketts Point Human Impact

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Presentation on theme: "Ricketts Point Human Impact"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ricketts Point Human Impact

2 School Groups

3 Conservation and Community Groups

4 Recreational Users

5 Cafe

6 Bike Riders

7 Car Users

8 Beach Goers

9 Snorklers & Scuba Divers

10 Dog Owners

11 Boat Owners

12 What is biodiversity? Biodiversity is the variety of all living things; the different plants, animals and micro organisms, the genetic information they contain and the ecosystems they form

13 Threats: Air Pollution
Pollution is any undesirable factor added to the air, water, or soil. Smog is one type of air pollution. It is caused when sunlight interacts with pollutants in the air The pollutants are produced by fossil fuel emissions

14 Threats: Climate Change

15 Threats: Water Pollution
Pollution can put entire freshwater ecosystems at risk. Indicator species provide a sign of an ecosystem’s health. a. amphibians b. top predators

16 Threats: Biomagnification
Causes an accumulation of toxins in the food chain. Pollutants can move up the food chain. Predators eat contaminated prey Pollution accumulates at each stage of the food chain Top consumers, including humans, are most affected



19 Threats: Loss of habitat
Habitat fragmentation prevents an organism from accessing its entire home range. a. occurs when a barrier forms within the habitat b. often caused by human development

20 Threats: Introduced species
Introduced species can disrupt stable relationships in an ecosystem. An introduced species is one that is brought to an ecosystem by humans, e.g.: accidental (sea star) purposeful (foxes)

21 Threats: introduced species
Invasive species can have an environmental and economic impact. Invasive species often push out native species. Eg. the Bilby – competes for living space and food

22 Solution: Protecting the environment
There are several ways that people can help protect the environment. a. Control population growth b. Develop sustainable technology and practices c. Protect and maintain ecosystems

23 Solution: Sustainable development
Global fisheries have adopted several sustainable practices. Eg. rotation of catches, fishing gear review, harvest reduction and fishing bans

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