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Ch. 4 Federalism Lesson 1: Dividing and sharing Power

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1 Ch. 4 Federalism Lesson 1: Dividing and sharing Power
United States Government

2 There are still disagreements over sharing power, to this day!
The Framers needed to create a strong central government while protecting citizens’ freedoms and allowing the states to retain some powers. The Constitution was based on a federal model for dividing and sharing power among different levels of government. There are still disagreements over sharing power, to this day! Federalist Paper #9 Why federalism??

3 Federalism in the constitution
Expressed powers are stated in the Constitution, and implied powers are not stated but form the basis for carrying out stated powers. Examples of implied powers: the space program and nuclear weapons. Powers not given to the national government are reserved for the states. Concurrent powers are shared by the federal government and the states. Under the supremacy clause, state and local laws may not conflict with the U.S. Constitution.

4 You don’t need to include in your notes! Just look…

5 Lesson 2 video worksheet

6 Lesson 2: relations between the national and state governments

7 Guarantees to and obligations of the states
The relationships between levels of government have developed through conflict, compromise, and cooperation. The national government must guarantee each state a republican form of government, (not Republican Party but that voters hold the power, elected officials answer to voters) protection, and aid in emergencies. Congress is responsible for respecting the territorial integrity of each state and for the admission of new states. States have responsibilities in conducting elections and in amending the Constitution. Guarantees to and obligations of the states

8 Federal aid and mandates
Federal aid is granted to state and local governments that are willing to meet certain conditions. Conditions are federal control and RED TAPE! DO NOT INCLUDE IN NOTES: Mandates: require states to meet national standards in some state functions. Example: Driver’s Licenses Restraint: limits the ability of a state to regulate an area. A preemption allows the national government to assume responsibility for a state function.

9 conflicts The federal court system settles disputes between national and state governments. McCulloch v. Maryland established the national government’s supremacy in conflicts with state governments.

10 Lesson 3: state powers and interstate relations

11 State powers States regulate corporations within their borders and promote those businesses. The larges corporation in Alabama is Regions Bank. Protecting life and property is the primary duty of state and local governments. Education, health, and welfare account for the largest portion of state spending. Federalism gives a lot of freedom to each state, so there are important differences among states.

12 Relations among states
States must honor other states’ laws and court orders, even if their own laws are different States must give the same fundamental rights to people from other states that they give their own citizens. States usually settle disagreements by making interstate compacts. The U.S. Supreme Court is the only court where one state can sue another.

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