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Welcome! The Topic For Today is Respiration/Excretion

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! The Topic For Today is Respiration/Excretion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! The Topic For Today is Respiration/Excretion

2 Respiration & Excretion
Internal & External Respiration Respiratory Structures & Functions Excretory Structures & Functions The Nephron Hodge Podge 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000 pts

3 I/R Resp: 200 Question: The location of external respiration Answer
What is the lungs (alveoli) Back

4 I/R Resp : 400 Question: Results from an exchange of gases between blood and tissue fluid. Answer What is internal respiration Back

5 I/R Resp : 600 Question: Enzyme that speeds up conversion of carbon dioxide + water to carbonic acid Answer What is carbonic anhydrase Back

6 I/E Resp: 800 Question: The names of the three compounds formed when substances bind to hemoglobin Answer What are reduced hemoglobin, oxyhemoglobin and carbaminohemoglobin Back

7 I/R Resp : 1000 Question: The four equations for external respiration.
Answer What are HHb  Hb + H+, Hb + O2  HbO2, HbCO2  Hb + CO2, H+ + HCO3–  H2O + CO2 Back

8 S/F Resp: 200 Question: The part of the brain that initiates the resumption of breathing when someone holds their breath Answer What is the medulla oblongata Back

9 S/F Resp : 400 Question: Location of the vocal cords Answer
What is the larynx Back

10 S/F Resp : 600 Question: The process that causes contraction of diaphragm and rib muscles and increased thoracic volume Answer What is inhalation or inspiration Back

11 S/F Resp : 800 Question: 4 features of the alveoli which help it function Answer What are number of alveoli, thin walls, lipoprotein “film”, stretch receptors, moisture, surrounded by capillary network Back

12 S/F Resp : 1000 Question: Name each labelled part Answer
What is W: trachea, X: lung, Y: Pleural membrane Z: diaphragm Back

13 S/F Excr : 200 Question: Name the structure that secretes aldosterone
Answer What is the adrenal gland (cortex region) Back

14 S/F Excr : 400 Question: How much blood will enter renal vein Answer
What is 599 mL Back

15 S/F Excr : 600 Question: Location released from and site of action for antidiuretic hormone Answer What is posterior pituitary (location) and collecting duct (site of action) Back

16 S/F Excr : 800 Question: 4 main organs of excretion Answer
What are the lungs, skin, kidneys, liver Back

17 S/F Excr : 1000 Question: Name each labelled part Answer
What is W: cortex, X: pelvis, Y: ureter, Z: bladder Back

18 Nephron: 200 Question: Part(s) of the nephron located at position X
Answer What are the Loop of Henle & collecting duct Back

19 Nephron: 400 Question: The processes involved in urine formation in their correct order Answer What are Pressure Filtration, Selective Reabsorption, Water Reabsorption, Tubular Secretion/Excretion Back

20 Nephron : 600 Question: Tubular excretion occurs between these two structures Answer What are the peritubular capillary network and the distal convoluted tubule Back

21 Nephron : 800 Question: Describe the conditions surrounding loop of Henle in terms of salt and water concentrations Answer What is high salt and low water Back

22 Nephron : 1000 Back Question:
After penicillin is administered for an infection in the urinary bladder, what pathway would penicillin take out of the body? renal artery  afferent arteriole  A. distal convoluted tubule  loop of Henle  ureter B. glomerulus  efferent arteriole  ureter  renal vein C. efferent arteriole  distal convoluted tubule  collecting duct  urethra D. glomerulus  proximal convoluted tubule  loop of Henle  distal convoluted tubule  collecting duct  urethra Answer What is C Back

23 HP: 200 Question: Occurs between X and Y. Answer
What is Pressure Filtration Back

24 HP: 400 Question: How many of the following substances are normally found in urine? Water, urea, glucose, uric acid, large proteins, hydrogen ions, red blood cells Answer What is 4 Back

25 HP: 600 Question: The four stages to respiration Answer
What are Breathing, External Respiration, Internal Respiration and Cellular Respiration Back

26 HP: 800 Question: You can ask a question here, it has to relate to the topic, as # get higher, Q’s get harder! Answer (The answer here!) Back

27 HP: 1000 Question: You can ask a question here, it has to relate to the topic, as # get higher, Q’s get harder! Answer (The answer here!) Back

28 Bonus Question: 5000 pts. Question:
The structures, in the correct order, through which a glucose molecule passes as it travels through the tubule from the renal artery to the renal vein. Answer What are afferent arteriole  glomerulus  Bowman’s capsule  proximal convoluted tubule  peritubular capillaries Back

29 Daily Double The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money
You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

30 Daily Double The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money
You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

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